Going to have to take me off the list of attendees, on the basis of me not owning a car right now
How come? If you don't mind me asking.
Going to have to take me off the list of attendees, on the basis of me not owning a car right now
How come? If you don't mind me asking.
Short story - sold it.
Long story. New job meaning longer commute, girlfriend moving in meaning I don't have as much time to tinker with a car every weekend. Even when I do work on it, I have to use my dad's garage as my house is on road parking. I've spent loads on it as you know but other stuff kept cropping up so it's stopped becoming about the money and more about the hassle factor of an older car. Decided a few weeks ago to advertise it at what I thought was a silly price - I figured if it sold for a high price then it was worth doing, otherwise I'd keep it. Got an offer which meant that the 6 months of ownership have cost about £250 a month all in to run and maintain - which is high but not devastating.
So accepted that and trying to find myself a well equipped reasonably new and nice to drive focus size hatch of some sort. Probably going to be a Diagro spec Mazda3, sans MPS bits obviously![]()
Fair enough! Understandable how life often gets in the way of certain things.
You know you want a Mondeo.
Must... Clean... Car
Must repair bumper...
I have no idea. I'll follow the crowd!