US: Supergirl (Arrow/Flash team)

I don't think it's terrible that they've gone light with Supergirl. I don't like it with Flash, because Allen is supposed to be a grown man, but he looks/acts more adolescent than he should be.

With Supergirl, she's supposed to be young, fun, finding her way, and there's a lot more humour there. Superman's powers but without the weight that comes with it. She's saving planes and catching muggers, Superman is saving the world from destruction. It's a way to get a Kryptonian on screen every week without that darkness.
Ally McBeal has had some serious cosmetic work.

I will watch it just to feel my empowered woman side.

The interesting corner they are painted into is that they are clearly trying to go for the strong female lead to grab the female audience. But the same female audience get offended about being called "girl". I know they tried to address it in that promo, but we shall have to see.
Ally McBeal has had some serious cosmetic work.

Not a wrinkle in sight. When i watched her part of the trailer i saw my hand in a line under her nose watching the mouth move while the rest of the face was an immovable portrait.
Will give it a go but it looks like Ugly Betty with superpowers. :(

LOL.. In a nutshell really.

The sci-fi addict in me says give it a go and the perv in me says that's a tight 't' shirt and leather boots. But it does look Meh....
No way, that's Calista Flockhart!? I hadn't watched the clip when I posted my earlier comment, it looks dog awful!
Will give it a go..... although I do feel DC has missed a unique chance here they could have easily integrated smaller lesser known heroes and integrated them into the new superman/dc universe.

Having the flash, arrow and now super girl in separate universes makes it feel not part of the same universe but kinda is or it looses that avengers/marvel effect.

Surprised we don't have a teen titans thread, all hell will break loose with Robin turns up regardless its still good entertainment but I do like marvels play on things.
hmmm.... not sure on this, that trailer makes it look more like hart of dixie/ugly betty than a 'marvel' series. Hart of Dixie and Ugly Betty are fine but they're not meant to be fighting super villains.

I don't mind a lighter feel, the flash is actually fine to me but there's a point where it feels like a show that's meant more for women than men (the flash is straddling the line, arrow is more men side if you get me) and I'm fearing that supergirl is crossing that line and targeting the female demographic more than the male demographic.

Not sure on the casting of supergirl either (and don't even mention the plastic Calista Flockhart). They could have at least managed to get a blonde actress, even dyed would have done, it's one of those things that makes supergirl supergirl, like clark kent and glasses. And I know this bit will seem really bad and it's not as though Melissa Benoist is unattractive (quite the opposite really) but she doesn't seem slim/tall enough either (especially in the supergirl costume), I've always seen supergirl (and I was around for the original film/cartoon etc) as quite I suppose 'amazonian', ie tall and thin with well toned muscles etc.

Having said that I'll likely watch it just to see how bad it is, I'm not holding out much hope from that trailer that it will make more than one season.
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Not sure on the casting of supergirl either (and don't even mention the plastic Calista Flockhart). They could have at least managed to get a blonde actress, even dyed would have done, it's one of those things that makes supergirl supergirl, like clark kent and glasses. And I know this bit will seem really bad and it's not as though Melissa Benoist is unattractive (quite the opposite really) but she doesn't seem slim/tall enough either (especially in the supergirl costume), I've always seen supergirl (and I was around for the original film/cartoon etc) as quite I suppose 'amazonian', ie tall and thin with well toned muscles etc.

Yup like i said in my previous post

she's just too plain and normal looking to be Supergirl. She has always been a very hot teenage blonde in a skimpy costume in every modern iteration and this one just looks like a geek girl cosplying in a well made but conservative costume made for a Christians that didn't want to be offend.

It's a sure fire way to tell that they are appealing to women, if she was too attractive then it would put women off because they get jealous and bitchy like that.

She should be like she was in Superman Batman Apocalypse, hot blonde teenager

Heck, they got her spot on in Smallville!

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The trailer was good I thought but its clearly been CWed, super girl was always a teenage girl unsure about her powers and responsibility. Her costume has that mesh style finish similar to man of steels look, she is attractive also but she's no Vandervoort!

I do get that about having to be tall and bit more muscular but yeah women may get jealous and bitchy lol

Its a bit like the DC silver age Wonder Woman actually resembling a proper Amazonian warrior and actually being taller and bigger then superman, it caused much debate lol

Otherwise it looks interesting, glimpses of the man of steel are in the trailer I am a bit unsure how far it can go given that super girls future may lie in the justice legion in the 31st century ;)
I'm really not sure DC are going about introducing all their heroes in the right way. Marvel have done it so well with the way they did individual films for each hero, but carefully started to link events and introduce other heroes into those films, and created Agents of Shield, Agent Carter and Daredevil (along with several others yet to be released) to support and expand the MCU and give Marvel a presence on the small screen. They've obviously thought about things extremely carefully, and I just don't get the same impression with the way DC are doing things.
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