Superman: Legacy

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Not feeling it.

Agree with @Kyo there, it looks like a slightly upgraded Tyler Hoechlin suit. And even that was forgiveable because it was branched out from a CW (TV) show. But that suit matched Hoechlin's Superman. Especially given the tone of the first season which took inspiration from Man of Steel.

Feels like a mistake to release this as the first photo as well. Compare this to previous Superman reveals that was released, and this one looks like a Catalogue photo for a Superman cosplay suit, whilst previous ones not only showed off the suit, it was being worn by "Superman" and you could tell. Here? Definitely not feeling it.
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Oh look, another "giant CGI light beam from the sky destroying everything" superhero film, I don't think we've had anywhere near enough of those yet :D (uber/giga/mega sarcasm! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D)

Supes look with the new actor seems fine to me TBF but I just can't shake "that feeling" (like a spidey-sense almost) that this will be Suicide Squad/Harley Quinn levels of poor. Hopefully the trailer, whenever it drops, will be reassuringly good!
I wonder if they’ll go back to the Williams theme?

Even the Cavill films started to subtly reintroduce that theme. It’s as much a part of Superman’s identity as the suit is.
New suit looks too loose and thin around the shoulders. Isn’t Superman’s suit supposed to be as indestructible as him?
It's meant to be skin right to show off his bulk and physic. That costume looks like one out of the CW TV show or cosplay fan. It's a weird choice to showcase the new Superman. First impressions and all that.

Perhaps I am being harsh. Will have to wait and see what it looks like on screen.
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Might be just the photos but not impressed with the suit at all. Hope it looks better in the movie itself. Looks cheap compared to Henry Caville's
More than likely the suit will be cg enhanced in post production, seems to be the norm these days. Though it does look like the kinda thing a cosplay store would knock out for a tenner.
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The S looks crap. They’ve gone traditional back to the Reece suit, but time moves on. Back in the day red pants and yellow belt looked ok, now it just seems kinda childish.
Have they recast Jonathan Kent too because I absolutely adored the love and compassion that Costner brought to the role, played it perfectly.
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