Following on, now received the free new improved sausages to try, will be oven cooking them with mash tonight and Sunday morning trying them fried.
Also hot new cuts this month and I will do a price comparison. I have no idea which way it will go.
Using normal range for prices.
320g meatballs /tesco 360g meatballs £2
~900g ribs split between to packets / tesco pork ribs 900g £3.60
485g Onglet steak (Sunday's dinner) / waitrose skirt steak 485g £3.39
315g prime diced lamb (that'll be a kebab) /tesco diced lamb 300g £4.00
400g lamb mince / tesco lamb mince 300g £2.63
635g oxtail / tesco 700g £4.20
300g beef steak strips / tesco healthy living beef stir fry 350g £3.20
415g lamb chump / no supermarket comparison google says £3.33
300g beef mince / Tesco 250g beef mince £1.50
480g braising steak / Tesco beef casserole steak 450g £4.00
1010g leg of mutton / 900g tesco half lamb leg £7.20
825g pigs trotters (god they disgust me, will be eating them though, ever since working in a slaughter house. They just look grubby and horriable(although these are clean)) / no supermarket equivalent £1.62
500g stewing steak
420g sausages
470g pigs cheeks
Excluding the three free samples, that comes to £64.04p, supermarket £40.67
Surprised it that big a gap, still worth it IMO, it is better qaulity and range. You just have to look at colour and hanging time.
If I could find all the beef at 28day hang time at the supermarket then I would. Expect a different result.
Every box. You get a car leaflet with farm/kill info and recipes. This month. Also has the new cuts range