Supermoon Lunar Eclipse Tonight - 01:12 BST until 06:22 BST

Appeared to be the same size as normal for me. Oh well, I like looking at the moon anyway. :)

no one would notice the size difference, however, you should have easily been able to tell the difference in brightness.

I managed to find a clearish patch at home. Still a slight cover of very fine cloud so no truly clear moments, but the end result was ok. Just wish I'd caught it earlier in the evening.

What did you use to take the photo?

Edit: Oops should read the thread better, looks like Cosimo beat me to the question :)
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no one would notice the size difference, however, you should have easily been able to tell the difference in brightness.[/IG][/QUOTE]

How come some people's images from the other night show a huge moon? I saw a pic someone had taken at the Statue of Liberty and it was massive.
You will notice that all the "supermoon" photos on news outlets are when the moon is on the horizon and visible next to trees, buildings etc. Its an illusion. It looks the most impressive.

The moon is appearing 14% larger I believe? But this is 14% larger than when the moon is at its farthest point. It hasn't just become 14% larger overnight. So compared to a few days ago it isn't visibly that much larger at all.

Glaucus' post demonstrates well.

no one would notice the size difference, however, you should have easily been able to tell the difference in brightness.

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