Supermoon Lunar Eclipse Tonight - 01:12 BST until 06:22 BST

This is one of my Dad's - he said he needs to do some processing but I think it's quite good as it is!

No idea what he used but it's not small!


And another

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great work everyone who got up early to take pictures !

well done !

I had a little try at the moon around 10-11pm but I couldn't do anything with my lens max is 105mm.. tried slowing the shutter speed right down to bulb, tried increasing the f/stop which helped a bit, ISO 200

came out like a spot light :(
I popped out to see this and it was indeed red but I think to take a proper look I needed binoculars or something.
The thing that was beautifull was all the sparkling stars in the sky, there was no clouds when I looked but all the stars seemed brighter. Is that a side effect because it was quite impressive and they were all twinkling in and out of focus which is apparently the earths atmosphere

Anyone got a video link of the stars rather then the moon
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