Supermoon Lunar Eclipse Tonight - 01:12 BST until 06:22 BST

I tried taking a picture but I need a super duper telescopic lens to do it justice, looks like a little dot when I took a pic lol. Atleast the sky is clear, it is very bright today though.
Very bright white atm, is this going to be a very sudden change about 1 as I am ot staying up till 3, plus it seems a lot higher in the sky than I expected.
Doesn't look 14% bigger
Here's my first attempt at the taking a photo of the moon

Shot using a Nikon D810

1/200 sec @ f/4, -0.3 exp


Really need to learn some PP skills though
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Excellent night (at the moment) here for looking at the skies - clear and crisp, shame I can't get a proper telescope or something out without waking people :S
Sat in the back garden with two blankets, 400mm prime, hot chocolate and ecig. The things we do eh! Got the school run tomorrow too! When does the eclipse have any actual effect? Moons still looking its usual colours.
Sat in the back garden with two blankets, 400mm prime, hot chocolate and ecig. The things we do eh! Got the school run tomorrow too! When does the eclipse have any actual effect? Moons still looking its usual colours.

3am - 5am, peaking at 3.36am*
*shows 2.36 on this pic but its GMT

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This thread came just at the right time; I'd totally forgotten what the moon looked like.

I am having to struggle to remember! :(

I had to have cataract/glaucoma surgery earlier in the year and now (though the surgery has been very successful as far as it goes and I do not regret it) I seem to have lost my night vision.

All I can see now is just a bright blob in the sky!

:( :( :(

(I used to be able to see really faint stars and mara details that nobody else could see, now I cant even see the bloody Moon any more! :( )

Rule#1 for Surgery!

Surgery will never leave you as well off as you would have been had you never needed it in the first place!


Women! Your noses/boobs are just fine! Leave them alone! it really isn't worth it!
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