Supermoon Lunar Eclipse Tonight - 01:12 BST until 06:22 BST

atmospheric distortion. what gets me is knowing the size and distance of the Sun which kinda matches the size we see the Moon, wanna see how big the Sun appears to us is, look at the Moon. damn you light speed! :p
Have I missed it? Just looked and the moon has got a chunk out of it but is still moon coloured. I'm not the most astronomical fellow as you can tell.

Nah about an hour from the peak IIRC.

The peak is 02:47:07 UTC - we are currently at 01:33 UTC.
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Nice, I can see it out my window without getting out of bed.
I don't have my 300mm lens so no point trying for a pic with 100mm

So nap for an hour, have a look, then back to bed!
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