Supplements the debate/discussion thread

I have inherited some protein bars that go out if date in January, how long do you reckon they will be ok for? Few months or so?
I have inherited some protein bars that go out if date in January, how long do you reckon they will be ok for? Few months or so?

Ages, I bought some bars from pred nutrition that were cheap because the best before date was the end of august and they're still fine.
Anyone use soya protein shakes? The protein % is relatively high, but I'm guessing the taste ain't so good.

I was reading a book the other day and it had a bit about different protein sources, apparently whilst soya offers a good source it isnt as good as whey but instead is a great alternative to people with allergies.
It's all about how readily the body can deal with the protein source.

To a degree, it's somewhat irrelevant as most people "on the shakes" (shamelessly borrowed from a poster on these forums a while back) consume more protein than their body can deal with anyway.
I was reading a book the other day and it had a bit about different protein sources, apparently whilst soya offers a good source it isnt as good as whey but instead is a great alternative to people with allergies.

Soy is a very poor protein source, the lowest quality amino acid profile amongst protein supplements. To top it off, it also contains naturally occurring phytoestrogens so it's the one thing I'd avoid like the plague.
Soy is a very poor protein source, the lowest quality amino acid profile amongst protein supplements. To top it off, it also contains naturally occurring phytoestrogens so it's the one thing I'd avoid like the plague.

phytoestrogens are a long way from proven as any king of test inhibitor, besides as far as i know, from extensive research in endocrinology, the injection let alone ingestion of estrogen does little to your natty test, not in the quantities found in a soya shake. However the amino profile is pretty poor. Take shakes with water and if necessary buy shakes that have lactaise in them or get some lactaise pills maybe your doc will even prescribe some.
Placed an order with to give them a try. Their next day delivery is pretty reasonable at £2.99 or they do a 3-5 day delivery for £1.99. Also if you sign up with a referral code (MM354) you get a 250g whey bag ( which is great for trying another flavour. Free scoop and blender shaker is also being thrown in too right now.

The loyalty points are better than MP, you get 2 points per pound (roughly), each point being £0.01p of discount. My £40 order I got 90 points.

Worth supporting these guys if you don't get on with MP. I will let you know how the whey and oats are when I get them.
Yea it's only been open a week and they don't have an extensive range yet but hopefully with support they may be a great supplier.
Can someone recommend a pre-workout drink please?

Im out of Pulse V4 and Warrior Rage is out of stock :(

Craze is the most recent drink to have its bout of popularity on this forum. I just use sleep, food and caffeine (coffee or whatever else is to hand).

However, I'm aware of how strong the placebo effect can be, so just go nuts and believe whatever you're consuming helps. ;) :D
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