Supreme Commander small Multiplayer beta

geeza said:
Is Total Annihalation better than RA2? Ive got the cd but installed then uninstalled it for some reason ive forgotten

TA predates Red Alert 2 by a BIG margin, and is better than it in virtually every conceivable way. :)
Kreeeee said:
Except RA2 works online and TA died an early death with online play :(

Edit: Can you guys post your specs and how it performs?

TA was the first game I bought for my new PC - a P166MX with 32MB RAM. Played it for 10 minutes then returned it the next day :p

Of course...I picked it up again after a couple of months and still play it now lol. Yeah, specs would be good - planning on upgrading soon (not my P166 :) ), and games like this is what I'd play the most.
locutus12 said:
but there will also be people like me who will sit down at 10 a.m. on saturday morning and finish the game at 6 a.m. sunday morning,
That was the only way to play TA imo.

I hated playing games that were over quickly.
I refused to end a game until I'd been playing for at least 3 hours.
raz0rr said:
That was the only way to play TA imo.

I hated playing games that were over quickly.
I refused to end a game until I'd been playing for at least 3 hours.

yup, cant stand no tallent rushers.

some things i dont understand...

gizmoy2k said:
In reply to loctus12 all i am saying that compared to previews and tech videos that i have seen i am dissapointed in how the game actually plays, even though it is beta,

exactly... it is a beta, game play is laggy as hell even when not in multiplayer, thats all just part of the beta.

gizmoy2k said:
Its all good seeing the videos but when it comes down to it its all about how the end-user achieves the gameplay shown in those videos that made us ALL go WOW!

From what i have played of the game most of what is seen in the vids will be unachievable in online play as the game will simply not last long enough to build nukes etc,

at the moment that's impossible to tell due to the game becoming riddles with lag after it reaches the 30 minute mark (about 55 minutes real time) everything becomes too slow to properly develop and fight.

gizmoy2k said:
i mean graphic wise i think its average at the mo, the map size and zoom out is great but close in things are just too small to tell quickly what they are

first RTS to support dual screen, first RTS graphics engine to support dual core cpu`s (might even be the first game with true dual core support) First graphics engine with exact scale built in from the smallest to the largest unit ensuring that size and scale are always comparable and realistic, first graphics engine to give your RTS units real time projectile tragectory mapping making every bullet fired create its own path as opposed to a set number of actions re renderd for any given battle.

i think you need to look abit deeper than whats on the surface ;)

as for "things are just too small to tell quickly what they are" simple... zoom in, thats what its there for.

Kreeeee said:
Except RA2 works online and TA died an early death with online play :(

TA is still played by quite a few of us over on gamespy and TA warzone client and phoenix works website, youl always find about 60 to 80 people to play spread across those 3 places/
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Kreeeee said:
I'm on about decent games where people try their best to win. Not noncy rules liek "no rush" because some kids can't build fast enough.

TA warzone and phoenix works are proffesional players with ladder ranking matches on going all the time. and ive yet to play a TA game in 9 years where someone has said to me "no rushing"
Anyone still waiting for a key for this? i went to get a key on the 24th but it said there is a waiting list blah blah , taking its time indeed :/
I'd still like to know where I got my key from :S I got the email from THQ directly but signed up to fileplanet and entered a competition a few days earlier. It doesnt say :(
Killerkebab said:
I think he was trying to say that whilst he can't stand their rushing, no one will create rules against it and they'll just counter you.

I think. :p

indeed i did, i said in my earlier post on this thread :

if you cant learn to stop a rush, then that's your own fault. you and your opponent have equal capacity's for resource gathering and manufacture, its up to you to work out how to stop them. there will be those that rush, but there will also be people like me who will sit down at 10 a.m. on Saturday morning and finish the game at 6 a.m. Sunday morning,

in future if people are going to try to be a smart alleck and quote me i do wish they would quote me properly so others can understand the context and so that those people quoting me don't end up looking silly.

I personally am not a fan of rushing, i see no point to a 15 minute game of Total annihilation or any other RTS and see no tallent to a game that bassically ammounts to "who ever has the most effecient start in the first 5 minutes wins" this can be decided by something as simple as the geography of your starting possition, that said i wont stop a person from trying to rush me by using rule enforcement, but thankfully ive been playing long enough to know how to stop the rush most of the time and indeed get them so utterly bogged down that i can drag the game to work to my time scale which for total annihilation can be anything from 1 to 3 hours.

i have been known to have 5 hour 6 player free for all games using a modification for TA called TAUIP its major fun :)
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Supreme Commander Beta v2.7 - v3.0 Patch This patch will update your beta client to v3.0 from the previous v2.7 version. Only used with people that are currently in the Supreme...
Size: 54.2 MB

Beta 30 is the result of a full integration from the game's main development branch, reflecting many changes to the game's code base. Only the highlights are included here.
Updated installer to adjust how DirectX and .NET 2.0 frameworks are installed.
Bumped the unit cap default from 250 to 500.
Fixed games not able to start when players added above number of slots.
Adjusted code to reduce number of GAL exceptions.
Adjusted code for better detection and debugging of desyncs.
Several color, prop, texture, normal map and effects adjustments throughout the game.
Several small balance and tuning tweaks.
Adjusted automatching lobby to keep person joining an auto-match from launching game incorrectly.
Adjusted ability for players to cancel an automatch search.
Various fixes for GPGNet chat issues, including crash when attempting to post an HTML link.
Fixed bug where units would get an unpause event when selected.
Swapped out placeholders for Aeon units where needed.
Removed the economy checks for units that don't need them.
Changed Defense tab to Unit Color and updated description.
Added new entry for Defense/Unit Color Toggle change
Animation fixes for UEF engineers, mobile AA units, tanks, sonar and strategic missile launchers.
Made flag to show intel radius of unit when selected be blueprint-driven rather than if the unit is mobile or not.
Fixed unbuildable mass markers where necessary.
Various fixes to main menu; ESC no longer brings up menu when loading.
Fixed commanders so they cannot be given via diplomacy.
Fixed unbuildable mass markers where necessary
Fixed world scroll when pushing mouse to edges of screen.
Fixed depth problem with bitmap combos.
Don't allow SetFocusArmy unless you are an observer, out of the game, or cheats are enabled.
Fixed lod1 for mobile heavy artillery units.
Gunships (and other units) will now fire at Aeon torpedo launchers properly.
Fatboy can now repair/refuel T3 air units.
You can no longer get double penalized for 'stacking' CDR teleports.
Aeon CDRs (and other beam weapons) now play the 'Fire' sound.
Broke out toggle buttons for intel, production, radar, stealth, and cloaking.
Adjusted code for better detection and debugging of desyncs."
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heres hoping it fixed some of the performance issues.


BAHHHHHH it no longer lets me do a skirmish, damnit.

P.S. To Fix the lag issues during play

turn all in game sounds off...
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