Surreal thing happened to me today...

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I believe the "general instructions" quoted above is why we believe the police work for us, as public servants.

Interesting fact: Constables are not public servants, they're Crown servants.

As a freeman of the land, you don't believe in statute law, so you don't believe that there should be offences such as "Make a false statement with intent to prejudice / defraud HM Revenue and Customs"? What about "Refuse to assist a constable" - which is rather relevant here?
As said, I am willing to be wrong, but I am searching for the truth and a way out from this corruption.

Perhaps cut down on the waffle a bit, you probably are wrong.

For a start you've not answered the question - just to be clear re: what you're talking about can you give an example of a police officer who is not a constable? (Or are you talking about PCSOs?)

As for the statutes/consent thing, that sounds like you've been reading too much freeman of the land stuff:

What do you even mean by "everything in this world is a business"? It isn't the aim of the police to make money.
Perhaps cut down on the waffle a bit, you probably are wrong.

For a start you've not answered the question - just to be clear re: what you're talking about can you give an example of a police officer who is not a constable? (Or are you talking about PCSOs?)

As for the statutes/consent thing, that sounds like you've been reading too much freeman of the land stuff:

What do you even mean by "everything in this world is a business"? It isn't the aim of the police to make money.

Maybe I am wrong, who knows, but unless I look into it, research it and make up my own mind, I won't know, I don't believe what the establishment tell me, I look for myself.

I'm not 100% on the difference between a constable and police "officer" but the point i was trying to make was referring the constable to the bobbys that we used to have who patrolled the streets, who worked within the community etc.

I've not read much on the link you posted, but the things I have read have been very interesting.
We really do not understand the law which is a bad thing :(

I disagree about the police making money, obviously they are enforcing laws, but a lot of that revolves around handing out fines, which for speeding fines end up in a consolidated fund, which is basically the governments bank account at the bank of england, which then gets funneled back down through the DFT via grants.
While the police may be fighting some crimes, they are essentially collecting fines for their corporate masters.
The establishment write the laws and make the police enforce them.

Anyway, I think this has gone too far off topic.
Interesting fact: Constables are not public servants, they're Crown servants.

As a freeman of the land, you don't believe in statute law, so you don't believe that there should be offences such as "Make a false statement with intent to prejudice / defraud HM Revenue and Customs"? What about "Refuse to assist a constable" - which is rather relevant here?

I'm not a FOTL, I wish we all were, and we all broke free of this system, but I don't know what the alternative would be.
I covered "refuse to assist a constable" further up, but here is the quote

Refusing to assist a constable is an offence under the common law of England and Wales.[1][2] The offence is committed if a person refuses, without lawful excuse, to assist a constable who sees a breach of the peace committed or who is assaulted or obstructed when making an arrest, and who, where there is reasonable necessity to do so, calls upon that person to assist him.[1][2] As a common law offence, it is punishable with an unlimited fine and imprisonment,[1] although it is very rarely prosecuted

Final thought, why should the government charge me for my services for another person, if i make £100 off someone for doing a job for them, thats my own labour, the government do not own my labour..
Maybe I am wrong, who knows, but unless I look into it, research it and make up my own mind, I won't know, I don't believe what the establishment tell me, I look for myself.

I'm not 100% on the difference between a constable and police "officer" but the point i was trying to make was referring the constable to the bobbys that we used to have who patrolled the streets, who worked within the community etc.

OK so there isn't a maybe there, I'm pretty sure you are wrong there. It doesn't seem very promising if you're unable to provide an example of what you're talking about.

There doesn't appear to be any basis for claiming that the "bobbys" we used to have patrolling are "constables" whereas other police officers are not... AFIAK all police officers have the powers of a constable.

I'm sure Burnsey can provide more detail or corrections there. However if you think that it is correct and you're not in fact confused then just provide a clear example of what you're talking about?

I've not read much on the link you posted, but the things I have read have been very interesting.
We really do not understand the law which is a bad thing :(

What do you mean by that?

I disagree about the police making money, obviously they are enforcing laws, but a lot of that revolves around handing out fines, which for speeding fines end up in a consolidated fund, which is basically the governments bank account at the bank of england, which then gets funneled back down through the DFT via grants.
While the police may be fighting some crimes, they are essentially collecting fines for their corporate masters.
The establishment write the laws and make the police enforce them.

Anyway, I think this has gone too far off topic.

Yeah it has a bit, I'd suggest stating away from the freeman of the land stuff... as for the police making money, their funding etc.. is public record they require plenty of it... from tax payers, they're certainly not self funding from fines or making any revenue beyond their cost to the taxpayer! There is no basis to call them a "business" so I'm afraid you're rather mislead there too.
Today whilst walking home, about to get the ferry just docking up ahead when suddenly a woman who must be in her late 40s just collapses on the floor as if her bones just vanished or something. It's a busy area as the train station is next door with tourist sorts waking by the dockyard opposite and commuters both sides too.

Almost immediately at least 4 or 5 people go to her aid and I'm close by as well. She finds herself up and a few personal items that fell to the ground are picked up. Not sure what happened but she was alright, maybe just dizziness or something. All but 2 of us remained until it was clear she was fine. Missed the ferry by just a minute or so but it's all good.

Bystander effect doesn't seem to be cut and shut really, I'd say it's location related. I live by the sea and my experience has always been that around these areas people are more helpful to strangers and more aware of their surroundings. Just not whilst driving lol.

The solution then is quite simple. Flood the land masses of the world and surround every city with seascapes :D
Today whilst walking home, about to get the ferry just docking up ahead when suddenly a woman who must be in her late 40s just collapses on the floor as if her bones just vanished or something. It's a busy area as the train station is next door with tourist sorts waking by the dockyard opposite and commuters both sides too.

Almost immediately at least 4 or 5 people go to her aid and I'm close by as well. She finds herself up and a few personal items that fell to the ground are picked up. Not sure what happened but she was alright, maybe just dizziness or something. All but 2 of us remained until it was clear she was fine. Missed the ferry by just a minute or so but it's all good.

Bystander effect doesn't seem to be cut and shut really, I'd say it's location related. I live by the sea and my experience has always been that around these areas people are more helpful to strangers and more aware of their surroundings. Just not whilst driving lol.

The solution then is quite simple. Flood the land masses of the world and surround every city with seascapes :D

That's just common courtesy and decency though. It's a lot different than jumping into a scuffle betwixt a copper and a huge bloke where you run the risk of a.) getting seriously injured, or worse and/or b.) getting taken to the cleaners in court by the person you helped restrain.
Policing and fire services for a start.
You're clearly not paying them enough, then...

Any other responsibilities you pay other people for?
Presumably you pay teachers to raise your kids and teach them right from wrong, which ought to cover most resulting social responsibilities...

No, i'm not trolling.
Certainly sounds like it... and you're definitely ranting!

We are all born free, and we do not need the powers that be to tell us what we can and cannot do, if you're happy being ruled over by these people, having your rights eroded away continually, by all means, let it happen, but not everyone wants that, i for one don't.
What on Earth makes you think you are free...?
What makes you think you have any rights?
Every inch of land here is owned by somebody else, so if you wanna live on it you do so by their rules.

I suppose you're one of those Soverign Citizen Free Inhabitants?

Apologies that I have a difference of opinion and see the messed up world we live in differently than most.
Have whatever differing opinion you like... just be aware that it will be disagreed with and challenged, from various perspectives.

1) I'm more likely to do more harm than good, such as getting in the way
2) It's dangerous and I could be seriously injured
3) I'm not trained in restraining people
4) I'm not physically fit or strong (I have a desk job)
5) The perp might hold a grudge and subsequently target me or my family
6) Should I get injured or worse there will be no support for myself or family to deal with this
7) I'm not equipped to do the job safely (as possible)
With most of these, reverse the situation. Imagine you're the one needing help. Would you happily tip your hat in farewell to everyone else who walked on by with such ******** excuses? Imagine it's your own child - Will you similarly fob them off with these same excuses, too?
Life is often at the expense of the individual. That's what it means to take responsibility for the society that you live in and that supports you, because the next scrote who gets away with something because other people shirked that responsibility might be the one ending your life... hell, it might even be me, as I exploit your own ******** excuses... You never know.

And that's entirely ignoring whether I agree or disagree with that specific law (I don't agree half the time).
Oh, you disagree with the law? Well that changes everything, dunnit?

But in the context of this thread, help meant to help restrain the scooter rider. With physical force.
Physical force is optional and a choice the OP made. Help is the concept, and how you decide to help is your choice. Might just be getting in the way or distracting the guy for a moment. Use your initiative.
But help is the key factor, rather than cowering behind ridiculous internal dialogue or bystanding around to film it on your ******* phone.

I'm not 100% on the difference between a constable and police "officer" but the point i was trying to make was referring the constable to the bobbys that we used to have who patrolled the streets, who worked within the community etc.
What, like the PC we spoke to the other week....?
They do still exist, you know!!

While the police may be fighting some crimes, they are essentially collecting fines for their corporate masters. The establishment write the laws and make the police enforce them.
Yes, nasty evil establishment government people... who the hell voted for such an evil government.... oh, wait, you did.
Yes, you, the people. Society. You voted them in. They work for you. You're at the top of this nasty, evil, corrupt society.....

Given that it's your fault we're here, you still don't want to help make it a better place?
You're clearly not paying them enough, then...

Any other responsibilities you pay other people for?
Presumably you pay teachers to raise your kids and teach them right from wrong, which ought to cover most resulting social responsibilities...

Of course I am, i'm paying what's being asked. No, I raise my kids and not by teachers. I also teach them right from wrong. What's your point?

Yes, I employ a house cleaner as well as a home tutor. Again, what's your point?
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With most of these, reverse the situation. Imagine you're the one needing help. Would you happily tip your hat in farewell to everyone else who walked on by with such ******** excuses? Imagine it's your own child - Will you similarly fob them off with these same excuses, too?
Life is often at the expense of the individual. That's what it means to take responsibility for the society that you live in and that supports you, because the next scrote who gets away with something because other people shirked that responsibility might be the one ending your life... hell, it might even be me, as I exploit your own ******** excuses... You never know.

Oh, you disagree with the law? Well that changes everything, dunnit?

Physical force is optional and a choice the OP made. Help is the concept, and how you decide to help is your choice. Might just be getting in the way or distracting the guy for a moment. Use your initiative.
But help is the key factor, rather than cowering behind ridiculous internal dialogue or bystanding around to film it on your ******* phone.
Going back to the situation in the OP... I'm afraid that nothing you have said makes me any more likely to put my life on the line to help a cop nick a "huge guy" whose offence was to ride an e-scooter.

You've brushed off my list as "excuses". Trivial matters such as being serious injured and potentially losing my jobs as a consequence. You've told me that I should sacrifice myself ("life is often at the expense of the individual") to help a copper make an arrest.

No thanks mate, that's bonkers. I didn't sign up for that. You did; congrats. Oh wait, you left because you didn't want to do that anymore. But you did for a time, and so all the rest of us should from this point onwards (allegedly).

Also what did you mean by "it might even be me"? I couldn't figure out what you meant.
No, I raise my kids and not by teachers. I also teach them right from wrong. What's your point?
So you pick and choose your social responsibilities based on what you feel like paying for?

Going back to the situation in the OP... I'm afraid that nothing you have said makes me any more likely to put my life on the line to help a cop nick a "huge guy" whose offence was to ride an e-scooter.
What makes you think I want you to?
It's your choice whether you take responsibility for your society or not... but if you don't, then you don't get to enjoy the benefits of it or criticise those who do, either.

You've brushed off my list as "excuses". Trivial matters such as being serious injured and potentially losing my jobs as a consequence. You've told me that I should sacrifice myself ("life is often at the expense of the individual") to help a copper make an arrest.
Yes, they are trivial matters, especially if you're not prepared to do something that you expect others to do for you, or try to pick and choose when you think you're responsible for something.

No thanks mate, that's bonkers. I didn't sign up for that.
You live in society. You are responsible for it. That's how it works and you've already signed up to it.

You did; congrats. Oh wait, you left because you didn't want to do that anymore. But you did for a time, and so all the rest of us should from this point onwards (allegedly).
Again, not what I said. Good argument, though.

Also what did you mean by "it might even be me"? I couldn't figure out what you meant.
It means I'm the sort of person who would use your own rules against you in order to demonstrate the flaws in your reasoning.
No. There is no feeling about it, I pay what is asked and that's it really. I don't see what you're getting at?
So when your kid injures themselves and needs medical attention, you leave them to to it because you've paid for an ambulance service to do it for you? You're not responsible in any way?
That's what it means to take responsibility for the society that you live in and that supports you, because the next scrote who gets away with something because other people shirked that responsibility might be the one ending your life... hell, it might even be me
I just want to draw the mods attention to this, as the more I read it the more there seems to be an implied threat there.
Final thought, why should the government charge me for my services for another person, if i make £100 off someone for doing a job for them, thats my own labour, the government do not own my labour..
Are you on about tax? In which case who pays for your roads to be serviced (as embarrassing a condition they may be in), your bins to be collected, your hospital fees etc etc etc.

Also tax is 1 way to get some of the wealth from the seriously rich. Some here think the mega rich pay too little tax... This may or may not be true, but either way without that top 5% propping up the economy we would be proper sunk.

Imo your system of what seems like everyman for themselves may be good for "evolution" but the rich would most certainly get richer and the poor, poorer.
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