No, you need to be
caught doing something really illegal, and this is the problem - All those kiddie-fiddlers, who'd previously meet in person to share footage of kids being tied up and abused, are now able to annonymously share their stuff online to much wider audiences. It's becoming a serious problem - Authorities just don't have the resources to police it, but it's made much harder by all the security and privacy stuff.
So is giving everyone the right to hide their illegal activity.
I've been snooped and subsequently investigated, partly because of some things I Googled in order to substantiate assertions made on this very forum - A few questions answered, followed by a bit of shop talk and I was on my merry way. I was looking up some dodgy stuff, but nothing outright illegal and my intentions were pure, so not a problem. I'd rather someone kept an eye and simply checked rather than the situation in the link above.