He-he thought I just see if I could connect and I could, sod knows why I couldn't connect this morning. It's been running all this time. Another 40k resources mined.
Have we got a guild going yet as I'd love to join and make up the numbers?

Not yet, we have a guild hall, I should have a city hall by Sunday, if no ones purchased one by then, got a few tat houses I can give away. Then we just need to decide where and all get together and place the stuff.
Not yet, we have a guild hall, I should have a city hall by Sunday, if no ones purchased one by then, got a few tat houses I can give away. Then we just need to decide where and all get together and place the stuff.

cool whats your name and ill add you just lvling at the min but will hopefully be able to throw some cash in when im doing missions.
Same name, glaucus.
Be aware that although im online this week, I won't respond to chat, as either ark, or the few mins I do log in I can't read chat. Basically away from home and just logins into check sampling macros are still running.
How the hell does anyone get a spot on the server? Every time I try I get told the cap has been reached
Damn it the servers are offline! Loving the EMU though since I got to coronet (thanks to whoever that was on here), much easier to level and the missions seem closer spec'd to the lower levels. Although I am having problems finding people to train me in Marksman... Anyway would love an invite to the OcUK guild my ig name is Delphinius.
Damn it the servers are offline! Loving the EMU though since I got to coronet (thanks to whoever that was on here), much easier to level and the missions seem closer spec'd to the lower levels. Although I am having problems finding people to train me in Marksman... Anyway would love an invite to the OcUK guild my ig name is Delphinius.

There isn't a guild up just yet Delphi, we are waiting on resources to actually build the deed for the city hall, then the politician to place it. But for that bit to happen, we could do with deciding where to place it.... so many choices...
We should start a list of everyone interested in joining the guild. Finally got to novice rifleman last night, taking on one mob at a time is painful, I miss the ease of levelling melee, target lair and then spam spin attack until everything is dead.
I'm up for a Guild please.

Ecewe in game.

Currently Master Artisan and Novice weaposmith.

Happy to knock out speeders and whatnot, once I have enough resources.

I'm currently mostly AFK sampling and trying to get enough cash to equip a combat character as well, used to be Smuggler PR-CU, Commando after and Shipwright, so I think I might try Combat Medic, that always looked fun!
Without taking anything away from the OCUK community, and I don't know if I'll be cursed for doing so, but my previous gaming community that myself, Dr_Delphi and another friend used to run, have a forum available that we can jump onto and abuse as we wish, which would also allow us to have multiple threads, so information like character names, locations, and the like can be better viewed.

Only a thought, but you can get to our old forums by: http://forums.jflgaming.org/viewforum.php?f=52&sid=7bd24e91e4ef0e74975d755e91731416
I always wanted to play this game, going to take a look at the official forums and see if there is a n00bs guide. Hopefully join up with some of you lot when I get the trial client installed. If it's good, then I'll get a disk off eBay.
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