Sycamore Gap tree at Hadrian's Wall 'felled overnight'

Well they don't grow back so uh no thanks.

This tree will be fine in a few years and nobody will remember it even happened.
Unless it dies, which is a thing that can happen, even to trees.

When you prune a mature tree you're only supposed to take 20-30% max in a year.

I'm hesitant to call this a "pruning wound", given that they've cut the blooming thing down, but disease can enter through wounds which kills the tree. This is also a thing that happens quite commonly.
Failure doesn't alter their motive.

They didn't fail. They weren't trying to destroy it. It was another attention grabbing stunt.

I'm not sure what your point is here. Are you saying it's impossible that the tree was cut down as some kind of a protest?

My point is that you're factually wrong about what the protesters did. Nothing more. Facts matter.
Failure doesn't alter their motive.

I'm not sure what your point is here. Are you saying it's impossible that the tree was cut down as some kind of a protest?
I could not give 2 squits whether they were protesting or not. that isn't (or shouldn't be) a legal defence for acquittal in my view.
mind you I think that it should be treated consistently. lF they prosecute those who destroy a tree but don't prosecute those who destroy a monument just because one is more politically sensitive than the other then that is a worrying sign imo.

perhaps on sentencing that is when the motivations of the vandals could come into play .. not at prosecution.... but our system is so broken that the police DO choose to totally ignore most vandalism which is why throwing the book at whoever did this stands out.. and this is wrong.

and yes those people who threw paint at artwork or disrupted the snooker / F1 and who glue their hands to the road etc.... I would prosecute all of them as well as bill them for the repairs needed as well.
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‘My father-in-law can’t be the Sycamore Gap Tree feller — he’s got leaky heart valves’
The family of a local lumberjack recently evicted from his home deny that he cut down the Robin Hood Tree.

As long as he takes a rest every 10 minutes from shouting "That's it Lad, saw back, saw forward" he should be fine.

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I believe he has been arrested.

Funny, isn't it. In these high profile cases, there often is absolutely no evidence apart from the crime itself.
It doesn't look like the police will find anyone. They had to find someone within the first day or so because now they will have surely destroyed any evidence.
One thing that has really annoyed me, is articles saying it's about 200 to 300 years old, just count the rings now they're on view to give an accurate(ish) date on the tree

I agree, the don't even need to do a core sample thing, they just need to look at the stump!

Maybe the tree isn't as old as they are trying to imply?

Even if it is 200-300 years old, apparently the average life span of a sycamore is about 400 years, so if it was very old it would be dying relatively soon anyway.
One thing that has really annoyed me, is articles saying it's about 200 to 300 years old, just count the rings now they're on view to give an accurate(ish) date on the tree

Tree rings aren't the universally easy to count thing you imagine, and Sycamore is actually noted for how hard it is to count the rings. I expect they'll count them at some point, but they'll need to take a sample and analyse it in the lab, not just stroll up to the stump and start counting.
I agree, the don't even need to do a core sample thing, they just need to look at the stump!

Maybe the tree isn't as old as they are trying to imply?

Even if it is 200-300 years old, apparently the average life span of a sycamore is about 400 years, so if it was very old it would be dying relatively soon anyway.
"Your honour, I did shoot him, but he was 60 years old, and would have died soon anyhow."

"Be on your way then. Case dismissed."
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