Sycamore Gap tree at Hadrian's Wall 'felled overnight'

Today I learned that caring about maintaining the beauty of Britain's natural landscapes means I have self esteem issues.
Very little of Britain is natural, it's a very well presented garden though admittedly.

Here's a flaming hot take... Whatever form of capitalism we seem to have today (Adam Smith rolling in his grave) caused the smooth brain idea to cut down that tree because hard work is undervalued whilst being a loud, hypocritical edgelord seems to make some people very rich.
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I think similar views will have already been expressed in this thread but I have two thoughts about this tree felling…

My immediate thought is that it’s totally senseless and deplorable, so I’m with everyone else on being disappointed about it.

My second thought is the general reaction says a lot about us as a society. It’s a beautiful tree in a pretty place but ultimately, it’s just a tree. Yet it’s easier to get upset about that than all the other terrible suffering that goes amongst us when humans are placed into imperfect situations (overseas war, migrants dying just for a chance to have what we have by birthright, people with addictions… and so on).

It’s probably something to do with this tree being more relatable than other things. Everyone likes a nice harmless tree, whereas maybe it’s the case that really awful things can’t be easily emotionally recognised unless they are right in front of your nose.

I think it's also partly the fact that it's completely and utterly senseless.

The other examples you've given, whilst obviously worse overall, at least have some reasoning behind them (no matter how twisted that reasoning may be or how much you disagree with it).

This though? It's hard to see any reason behind it other than just to be a ****, it's become something of a symbol of the fact that being a **** almost seems to be something to aspire to by many people these days :(
It's the sheer spite of the act that annoys me. Am I as upset by or saddened by this tree being cut down as I am with "the general state of society" and how people treat each other? No, the recent death of that young girl who was attacked, or that school bus that turned over and caused two people to lose their lives is getting less reporting than this tree, and I find that strange. However I am annoyed and irritated by the spiteful action of one individual ruining a place that many people enjoyed, and many more people could have enjoyed because it's just so unnecessary. And I think it is that because it's such a needless act that causes people to have such resonance with it. I know I have a real issue with people having a lack of consideration for others, or just being ignorant because they can't be bothered to try.

It's the ease at which one arse is able to go and do something like this out of spite that grates.
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This though? It's hard to see any reason behind it other than just to be a ****, it's become something of a symbol of the fact that being a **** almost seems to be something to aspire to by many people these days :(

It does seem to be something to aspire to. The "side hustle" thing that was going around during covid seemed to be something people were aspiring to. Many times the "side hustle" was a grift, a con, cheating someone. Yet this was seen as a positive. Screw everyone else as long as I get mine etc etc.

I think it's also partly the fact that it's completely and utterly senseless.

The other examples you've given, whilst obviously worse overall, at least have some reasoning behind them (no matter how twisted that reasoning may be or how much you disagree with it).

This though? It's hard to see any reason behind it other than just to be a ****, it's become something of a symbol of the fact that being a **** almost seems to be something to aspire to by many people these days :(

Good point, well made!
There are two sides to every story guys, please let's wait until the courts decide.

It was self-defence. The tree acted in a menacing way.

I did it so that it didn't fall on someone.

It was infested with invisible Sycamore beetles.

It was a way-point for an alien invasion.


Nope. I really can't think of any other side at all.
It was self-defence. The tree acted in a menacing way.

I did it so that it didn't fall on someone.

It was infested with invisible Sycamore beetles.

It was a way-point for an alien invasion.


Nope. I really can't think of any other side at all.

I'm quoting this post because this is the most accurate post in this thread so far. The 16 y/o and 60s y/o perpetrators will both be knighted.
It was self-defence. The tree acted in a menacing way.

I did it so that it didn't fall on someone.

It was infested with invisible Sycamore beetles.

It was a way-point for an alien invasion.


Nope. I really can't think of any other side at all.
You're missing

- It was a prank bro.
- My ex-wife loved that tree
- I was filming a chainsaw review video for YouTube.
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There are two sides to every story guys, please let's wait until the courts decide.

Eh ?

What possible acceptable (and lawful) motive would they have for cutting down a 300 yr old tree not on their land ?

Please enlighten us.

(and I thought the post about self-esteem issues was weird and then along you come)
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