Sydney knife attack

Given the events going on globally, to think it might be an Islamic terrorist attack would seem fairly reasonable. I'm not sure why people are offended by this given the history of Islamic terrorist attacks in the West, even if ultimately in this case it wasn't.
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Ah the old blame the Muslim default card. So let's see that they're gonna say now
1. Lone wolf
2. Was a lovely chap dont know what happened
3. Known to have mental illness
4. Insert excuse

Probably would have to have some mental issues to go on a killing spree if not a radicalised Muslim or similar.
Ours have tasers at least and I’d still prefer the UK having specially trained armed units over what happens In the US.

We do have them. You just never see them. My now missus was at a house party when she was 18 and a gunman ran into their house to hide. Next thing she knew they were all outside with guns pointing at them with their hands behind their back.

Despite how crap our police has become the ones in the shadows are still there.

Saying all that was nearly 20 years ago so most likely just 1 armed police officer with lassie now due to cuts.
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Given the events going on globally, to think it might be an Islamic terrorist attack would seem fairly reasonable. I'm not sure why people are offended by this given the history of Islamic terrorist attacks in the West, even if ultimately in this case it wasn't.
I think it's exactly why the world is on edge that speculation can be very dangerous.

it's not offence, its avoiding creating further problems through idle gossip until facts are known.
Good thing they have police with guns there, how it should be, unlike ours here.

We have armed police, probably a lot more than you seem to think as IIRC quite a lot of "Traffic"/"Fast Response" cars double as ARV's (a lot of the equipment and training is the same*, as well as armed officers stationed near likely targets** and permanently on site in various locations.
And you don't necessarily need an "armed officer" to deal with someone with a knife, CS spray, tasers, heck at a pinch a barrier pole/queue guide (as I think was used in Sydney) can delay/hold someone away for long enough for the armed police to arrive.

*An ARV requires pretty much the highest qualification for police driving (as does traffic), a high performance vehicle (ditto), medical equipment and training etc. The thing is, unless they need them the guys that do double duty IIRC have their guns out of sight.

**Airports, police stations, courts, pretty much anywhere in Central London, power stations etc.
What happens in the US?

No shortage of cops going shoot first ask questions later. Their cops are so badly trained and so many are simply unsuitable to even do the job but I'm sure we have plenty of idiots in our police. I've got a couple of mates in the MET and they aren't always full of compliments for their colleagues if the subject comes up. I used to instruct on bike trackdays with an ex firearms training officer and he had some horror stories of officers trying to get licensed to carry. No way I want every police officer carrying thanks.

Better training and better equipped police are never a bad thing, looks like this is just an accident or poor training.
Bad training implies it's rare...
It's not.

And the US police departments with the biggest budgets and all the best gear are often amongst the worst, it's attitude and knowing they don't need to worry about "accidentally" killing innocent people because pretty much no matter what they'll get away with it one way or another.

IIRC NYC has a budget for it's police that puts some EU countries military budgets to shame, it has it's own "intelligence" service, they still have a habit of shooting bystanders and the wrong people because there is basically no incentive to actually aim properly and account for their rounds. One of the reasons UK police can get the training they do is because we expect and require them to be exceptionally good at their job so we have a very good selection process to make sure they have the skills, mindset and intelligence and then give them pretty much continuous training the US not only cannot afford to be that fussy with the number of officers they have (it's not the money so much as quality of people), they in many cases actively look for officers who "won't get bored doing routine stuff" (IIRC that was the reason given for why some forces actively turned away smarter applicants).
Your life or his, which would you choose.
The US is a very dangerous place, the officers are constantly under threat.
Mainly from their own actions...

IIRC the biggest killers of US cops tends to be things like car accidents (I think outside or police work on it's own beats murdered officers), heart disease, and funnily enough when the US police decided that covid wasn't a thing, Covid killed several more times as many officers as any other cause.

From memory in terms of the chances of dying at work US policing is way down on the list, let alone of them dying of "harmful intent" or "homicide" (IIRC it's not even top 20 many years), I seem to remember for a long time the likes of Taxi drivers and Pizza delivery drivers, and store clerks had a higher chance.
To give some perspective your "agricultural" worker on about a third of the average salary and usually without any of the "death in service" benefits is considerably higher on the list.
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Mainly from their own actions...

IIRC the biggest killers of US cops tends to be things like car accidents (I think outside or police work on it's own beats murdered officers), heart disease, and funnily enough when the US police decided that covid wasn't a thing, Covid killed several more times as many officers as any other cause.

From memory in terms of the chances of dying at work US policing is way down on the list, let alone of them dying of "harmful intent" or "homicide" (IIRC it's not even top 20 many years), I seem to remember for a long time the likes of Taxi drivers and Pizza delivery drivers, and store clerks had a higher chance.
To give some perspective your "agricultural" worker on about a third of the average salary and usually without any of the "death in service" benefits is considerably higher on the list.

One every 5 days being murdered on the job seems fairly high, that's not taking into account those that are shot or had attempts on their lives and lived.
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