Poll: Syrian Chemical Weapon Attack

Would you support a military strike on Syria without a UN Security Council resolution?

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Yeah, seems a bit OTT now - the CW attack aren't alleged anymore, they are confirmed by the UN and not a western media flase flag consipracy after all (who would have thought?). I guess UMLCA doesn't roll off the tongue as easily though.

That whole UN report (debacle) yesterday was a farce though, the whole...Yes, we can categorically say that Chemical Weapons were used...

Really? I think the rest of the world had accepted that and moved on, what everyone wants to know is who used them

I am an advocate of the UN in principle, but they really do seem to have degenerated into such an ineffectual organisation, it's hard to have much confidence left in their abilities.

Or maybe I'm just being a bit jaded and not giving enough credit for the good they actually do.
No, no it is not, you could fill a Thermos with Sarin and launch it via a catapult, does that mean the Thermos should be banned as a potential WMD? :P

I never said anything about anything being banned lol....Although it is a fact that the use of chemical weapons is banned and has been for nearly 100 years
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I am an advocate of the UN in principle, but they really do seem to have degenerated into such an ineffectual organisation, it's hard to have much confidence left in their abilities.

No the theory is great, the application has sucked since their inception. Anyway, im shocked at how much the UN has actually said about who is to blame, essentially that the sarin was lab grade not cottage made, fired from behind government lines using rockets the russians are known to have supplied to Assad.

And yet, you'll still have posters claiming the rebels did it. GD!
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I am an advocate of the UN in principle, but they really do seem to have degenerated into such an ineffectual organisation, it's hard to have much confidence left in their abilities.
No the theory is great, the application has sucked since their inception. Anyway, im shocked at how much the UN has actually said about who is to blame, essentially that the weapon were lab grade not cottage made, fired from behind government lines using rockets the russians are known to have supplied to Assad.

And yet, you'll still have posters claiming the rebels did it. GD!
circumstantial evidence is proof?

both sides are as bad as each other anyway accept one side isn't a bunch of Islamic freaks about to make a half decent country into another backwards state
No the theory is great, the application has sucked since their inception. Anyway, im shocked at how much the UN has actually said about who is to blame, essentially that the sarin was lab grade not cottage made, fired from behind government lines using rockets the russians are known to have supplied to Assad.

And yet, you'll still have posters claiming the rebels did it. GD!

Well if you want to blame the other side then you have to make it look like the other sides work.
Not many would believe them if they just put the sarin in water balloons and chucked it at civillians .

Well maybe you still would :p
Well if you want to blame the other side then you have to make it look like the other sides work.
Not many would believe them if they just put the sarin in water balloons and chucked it at civillians .

Well maybe you still would :p

Yeah, they snuck behind government lines to fire the rockets :p
can you show us these lines please

I never said anything about anything being banned lol....Although it is a fact that the use of chemical weapons is banned and has been for nearly 100 years

The point was that Russia wouldn't have done anything wrong as they didn't sell anything illegal/banned.

Anyway, im shocked at how much the UN has actually said about who is to blame

Nothing, they just said that chemical weapons were defiantly used, anything else tacked onto media reports is just personal opinions by UN staff (including the comical one by the guy saying flat out that the rebels don't have the [basic] weaponry that was allegedly used, when the are pictures and videos online of them using them XD)
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Nothing, they just said that chemical weapons were defiantly used, anything else tacked onto media reports is just personal opinions by UN staff (including the comical one by the guy saying flat out that the rebels don't have the [basic] weaponry that was allegedly used, when the are pictures and videos online of them using them XD)

That guy is the person behind the Brown Moses blog: http://brown-moses.blogspot.co.uk/ not a UN staffer. Why don't you send him your youtube video supposedly of a group of Syrian rebels using a BM-14 launcher? I'm sure he'd be interested in it.
I like the way that you've seen it (unless your just skimming the thread) yet add supposedly in there :P but hey question everything :)

Hey cmon, youre flying in the face of multiple facts here, supposition around the rebels having the weapons or the WMDs, around them launching them against themselves, around them having the capability to do so without a shred of evidence about anything. Throwing stones in glass houses and all that....
I like the way that you've seen it (unless your just skimming the thread) yet add supposedly in there :P but hey question everything :)

I put the word "supposedly" in there mainly because I wouldn't know a BM-14 missile launcher if it launched a high speed projectile straight up my back side :)
The point was that Russia wouldn't have done anything wrong as they didn't sell anything illegal/banned.

No of course not...why would they....it's not like they are a corrupt government who have ever used chemical weapons on their own people in the past or anything like that .
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err since when did we do that?

Russian FSB has run a very successful smear campaign against the Syrian rebels, convincing many people in the west that the Syrian rebels are Al-Quedas. Officially at least, the UK has only been supplying non military supplies (food, clothing, medical supplies) to the Free Syrian Army (FSA), who by Syrian standards are considered "moderate". No weapons have been supplied to the conflict by the UK since it began - an EU arms embargo was in place until earlier this year. Other countries have supplied light arms only to the FSA. The Al-Quedas in Syria are largely the Al-Nusra group who are separate from the FSA but they do fight along side each other unfortunately.
Russian FSB has run a very successful smear campaign against the Syrian rebels, convincing many people in the west that the Syrian rebels are Al-Quedas.

Today America joined in the "smear campaign":

Opposition forces battling Bashar al-Assad's regime in Syria now number around 100,000 fighters, but after more than two years of fighting they are fragmented into as many as 1,000 bands.
The new study by IHS Jane's, a defence consultancy, estimates there are around 10,000 jihadists - who would include foreign fighters - fighting for powerful factions linked to al-Qaeda..

erm it's a fact the rebels are atleast half terrorists and islamic fanatics and the most powerful fighting force on the rebels side

what was that report someone posted the other day that confirmed this?
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