T minus 1 week until 10,000 days...

Well, **** it heres my 2p worth since up until now this thread has been a daily click so far.

Take this entire thread back to the start:

Tool rock, there is no current band touching them in many ways, care to find out why? Go to a record shop, buy and post positives where improvements could have came from to disagree. Taking on board previous negative comments, walk away, you dont like it move on.
**** explaining why, i dont have your ears.
Please post what is currently generating earwax in your ears, i live for good music, educate me!

I could not care less about how cryptic the meanings are, or how at 2:41 in Sober you can hear an unborn baby scream through a straw, i listen and take what i can from Tool's music, much like my conversations about tasks at work, or how the weather is today. Want to understand Tool? then do the same, take what you can from their source....... understand or be totally confused and move on to another source if it still holds your interest.

All this talk of, oh **** its not what i expected, they are not doing what they did before, they betrayed me, the next APC album will be **** because 10,000 days is........ Get over it, you have no rights to this band, nor do i. Annoyed with the output? Guitars, drums bass and **** are widely available, go create the next Tool album.

I'll decide (just like you) when i've had enough of Tool, and move on.

For me that moment has not arrived.
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I really do not think it matters that there are fewer "deep" and spiritual meanings to this new tool album. Infact there maybe, but just because you can not discover them it does not mean there arnt any :P

Anyway I and i think most people who listen to music really are not looking to be enlightened spiritually, if i wanted to do that i would go and live on a hill top in tibet.

I really like 10,000 days, i do not believe it is as good as Aenmia but it sure has some real top songs which will sound awesome live :cool: I love the lyrics in the Pot i think someone said earlier the line "Foot in mouth, Head in *******" is just pure mjk back doing his earlier harder hitting stuff i.e. Undertow and opiate.

Tool havent always been about spirituality, they like to joke around create cool music smoke a lot of weed and yeah maybe sometimes question the meaning of life in a few songs, but i really think people take Tool way to seriously.
I understand that the lack of spiritual message will not vex many listeners too much, if only becasue many do not pay attention to such things.

It does make a huge difference to me, becasue Tool were one of the few bands willing to discuss such things openly. Therefore it is disappointing that they have chosen to say nothing on the subject on this album.

Also, MJKs singing performance isn't as good as it has been - it lacks power and dynamic.
I agree it lacks the same emotional power of the past two albums, in my opinion though it goes back to the older tool of undertow when thier riffs were harder and more intense. Maybe thier next album will go back to what you were looking for.

I'm struggled at first with laterlus' lyrics and almost spirtual music, maybe it was because i was too young to really appreciate thembut now i simple love the album. 10,000 days i was able to pick up and just think "wow" these guys can write and play stunning music, maybe after a few years i wont appreicate it as much as thier other stuff but it still has some epic moments like 10,000.
Hmm i love tool but this doesn't draw emotion like Opeth do for me.

Aenima still remains my favourite tool album.
cleanbluesky said:
Also, MJKs singing performance isn't as good as it has been - it lacks power and dynamic.

How can you say that though? MJK is doing far more with his voice than he ever has on any other album. There's screams and a lot of different styles of singing throughout 10,000 Days. IMO there's a lot more vocal dynamics than before.
IceBus said:
How can you say that though? MJK is doing far more with his voice than he ever has on any other album. There's screams and a lot of different styles of singing throughout 10,000 Days. IMO there's a lot more vocal dynamics than before.

1) You'll have to point that out to me. There are no "Suuuuucccckkkk... Suckin up boy, you can suck it up, suck and suck... you litle parasite"

2) Dynamics means change between loud/soft - all i hear are songs that are either entirely quiet or moderate strong all the way through

CORRECTION: The Pot is the only song with a scream in it.
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it's a shame you're disappointed with it CBS. still, it proves you aren't a real Tool fan - real tool fans can't be objective when it comes to Maynard!!

i'm finding that the more i listen to it, the more i only really like the first 5 songs. putting 2 "nothing" tracks consecutively after 5 amazing ones was album-suicide. i skip straight back to vicarious after the pot. those 5 songs are Tool-enough for me not to be mad at them for not bringing out an album for 5 odd years then only half-assing it.

it's really weird, because this is the first time that the flow of one of their albums has actually been interrupted by ambient noise. Intermission is skippable, as is Die Eir Von Satan (or however it's spelled), Eon Blue Apocalypse stays with the theme and Mantra is skippable...they just seem to lose the plot after The Pot.

still - i've made my "Best of Tool" CD:

The Pot
Forty Six and 2
10,000 Days (Wings Part 2)
The Grudge
Third Eye

it's good. oh yay.
cleanbluesky said:
1) You'll have to point that out to me. There are no "Suuuuucccckkkk... Suckin up boy, you can suck it up, suck and suck... you litle parasite"

2) Dynamics means change between loud/soft - all i hear are songs that are either entirely quiet or moderate strong all the way through

CORRECTION: The Pot is the only song with a scream in it.

There's a scream in 'Rosetta Stoned' as well. There are huge changes in dynamics within 'Right In Two', 'Rosetta Stoned' and '10,000 Days'. Dynamics doesn't just mean a change between loud and soft, it encompasses speed of playing, Adam showcases a lot of different styles of picking, from raw attack to soft delay laden tones and rough palm muting, Justin changes from low resonating notes to tight bell like harmonics, Danny mixes tabla under a lot of the quieter MJK only sections etc. etc. I'm not going to go through the whole album and pick out example after example. But if you need one song to listen to, listen to 'Rosetta Stoned' and listen to the different line deliveries and how many codas there are.

Have a read of this interesting post on Tool Navy

Sic - you don't like 'Right In Two'?
CBS, I certainly agree with one of your points - to me this album does sound like 'Tool play Tool'. There's nothing particularly new or surprising on it, and could almost be called Tool by numbers musically. There are a couple of tracks I have grown to like on it (for me The Pot & Rosetta Stoned), but as a whole I find it musically disappointing - it never rises to the heights that AEnima & Lateralus did/do.

I'm like every other Tool fan - I wanted this to be the best thing ever, but I'm not going to kid myself & try and convince myself that this could be their best album yet!!

Oh well, I'm off to listen to Lateralus.
IceBus said:
There's a scream in 'Rosetta Stoned' as well. There are huge changes in dynamics within 'Right In Two', 'Rosetta Stoned' and '10,000 Days'. Dynamics doesn't just mean a change between loud and soft, it encompasses speed of playing, Adam showcases a lot of different styles of picking, from raw attack to soft delay laden tones and rough palm muting, Justin changes from low resonating notes to tight bell like harmonics, Danny mixes tabla under a lot of the quieter MJK only sections etc. etc. I'm not going to go through the whole album and pick out example after example. But if you need one song to listen to, listen to 'Rosetta Stoned' and listen to the different line deliveries and how many codas there are.

If you were to offer a larger analysis of this, including specific moment in which songs I would be willing to discuss - and put some effort into discussion, rather than dismiss whoever were willing to do this.

I am thinking of 'Patient' and 'Parabol/Parabola' style dynamics. Also, another thing that concerns me is the tone that have been used on this album often seem like a rip off of Lateralus tones (such as the synth on Rosetta Stoned) sounds almost exactly like Reflection with a little overdrive.

Have a read of this interesting post on Tool Navy

Sic - you don't like 'Right In Two'?

I have now read most of it and my mind thinks back to when a rather over-enthusiastic fan thought that there was a 'alternative track listing' for Latealus.

Most of the lyrics can be seen to deal with the same issues that every other band deal with... "monkey killing monkey" isn't what I expect from Tool. And there is nothing that examines the spirit or psychology except maybe Vicarious.

I am wary about reading inspecific things into Tool music (also claled 'projection') simply becasue of the delight and mockery that Tool perform after seeing their fans read into things that aren't there
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After many more listens i still think it's amazing, it's not another Lateralus or Aenima, but that i didn't want another one, as they are as good as they can be, you couldn't make either better, however you could make Undertow better and for me this is what 10,000 days is, it's as if they took everything they learned from doing Aenima and Lateralus, and then applied it to the style of Undertow, which is heavier and grittier than all of lateralus and large parts of aenima.

Undertow was the first Tool album i ever heard and it was the one i fell in love with. Sober is still may favourite Tool song to this day, and to me at least 10,000 days is Undertow ++, which means i ******* love it :D
IceBus said:
Sic - you don't like 'Right In Two'?

actually, yeah i do - but it's nested in all the white noise at the end so i forgot about it!! :p

Spud21 said:
mostly gibberish, but "sober" is the best tool song

yes. you are correct. it is :D
Sic said:
actually, yeah i do - but it's nested in all the white noise at the end so i forgot about it!! :p

The only white noise is after it, in 'Viginti Tres'... unless you're counting 'Intension' ;)
IceBus said:
The only white noise is after it, in 'Viginti Tres'... unless you're counting 'Intension' ;)

mandatory track list:




other than that, it's all skipped :p
i've still not stopped listening to it since it came out. the tracks i like, i love. especially 10,000 days.

is it growing on you yet?
Sadly I'm moving into a new place and my stereo & speakers are packed away so I've not listened to any music for almost a week now :(.

Not only that but I've decided to cycle the mile journey to work instead of driving it now that the weather is on our side, so I can't even listen to half a track before work :(:(.

I've been humming Vicarious in the shower but it's just not the same...
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