T minus 1 week until 10,000 days...

In case you are wondering about my reticence guys, I have promised a dear friend of mine that I will not listen to the album until she receives her copy as well.

Therefore the festivities will have to be put off until tomorrow night I'm afraid, in fact - given my reaction to Lateralus... I think I will post my opinion in a week or so from now...
cleanbluesky said:
In case you are wondering about my reticence guys, I have promised a dear friend of mine that I will not listen to the album until she receives her copy as well.

Therefore the festivities will have to be put off until tomorrow night I'm afraid, in fact - given my reaction to Lateralus... I think I will post my opinion in a week or so from now...

Fair enough. I'll be really interested to hear what you think.

Everyone seems to be fairly slow in digesting it. I get the feeling it'll be a grower like Lateralus, but I worry there's maybe not as much to hear on subsequent lyrics. The lyrics are also hard to get in places so I'll look forward to reading them if/when they get put on the official site.

I think I'm about the only person so far who doesn't like 'Rosetta Stoned'. I love the second half of it, but until it gets properly going (well after the gabbled lyrics) I don't like it really.

I think 'Intension' is great as it's very different from any other Tool, more like NIN in many ways. Once it gets going at the end it's great.

After a second listen I really like 'Jambi' and 'The Pot' now, so maybe it'll just take time with 'Rosetta Stoned'. I do kind of agree that it's a pity we only get 8 new tracks, when the other three aren't really tracks.

BTW AFAIK it isn't Maynard singing on 'Lipan Conjuring'.
i actually love it. except for the noise i dont really think there's a weak track on there. definitely didnt disappoint me, and it gets better for me with every listen. very very happy with what Tool have brought us after 5 years of silence.

Big Chris said:
Still, bring on June 13th :D

cleanbluesky said:
In case you are wondering about my reticence guys, I have promised a dear friend of mine that I will not listen to the album until she receives her copy as well.

Therefore the festivities will have to be put off until tomorrow night I'm afraid, in fact - given my reaction to Lateralus... I think I will post my opinion in a week or so from now...

In other words, you hate it and after first listening to it and you won't tell us why. j/k :D
1st things 1st, love what i've heard so far, but then I'm only up to 3 mins into The Pot as I type. Personally although some of my favourite songs are on Aemina I prefer Lateralus overall as an album, it felt more complete. But already I think I'm going to prefer this. I don't know how to describe it, but I think it's easier to listen to, sounds cleaner, more polished, whereas I find Aenima a bit raw to some extent. Really like the etheral quality to Wings for Marie, the assault of sound on Jambi and the aggression of The Pot. Vicarious and 10,000 Days are great, think I'll be taking this in the car for the next few trips to work.

Had managed to avoid anything to do with this up until now, and so I've now heard the 1st 5 tracks, and think they're all great, Jambi probably my favourite on 1st impression but I've only listened to each once as of yet. Also got the new Pearl Jam album to listen to tomorrow, joy!

Also that lineup of songs above, if the concerts are anything like those lineups I'll be very pleased, love all of those tracks.

EDIT: Forgot to say, although maybe a bit gimmicky, I love the album art too, goes that extra mile and a bit more for your money than you get with most albums.
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Right, haven't had chance to listen to it properly, just been listening to it in the background while with my mates, but i'm impressed so far, sounds really good. Album art is stunning as per usual really.

So far i like the album a lot and if it carrys on improving at the rate it has been every time i listen then it may well replace Aenima as my favourite Tool album.

Can't wait for the 13th of June Now, it's gonna be ******* mental :D
Spud21 said:
So far i like the album a lot and if it carrys on improving at the rate it has been every time i listen then it may well replace Aenima as my favourite Tool album.

I'd be surprised if that happened tbh.
I'm going to try and post some basic thoughts on basic meanings for some of the song titles:

Vicarious: pretty self-explanatory, the word itself means subsituting someone else's experiences for your own and this case it seems to be using TV in an almost voyeuristic fashion to satisfy human curiousity

Jambi: Can't really find out the meaning of 'Jambi' itself and as yet don't have any real thoughts on what it's trying to say :/

Wings for Marie (Pt 1)/10,000 Days (Pt 2): Obviously connected together as previously mentioned like Parabol/a. Marie is referring to Judith Marie, MJK's mother (hence the APC track Judith). 10,000 days is supposedly the length of time from her becoming ill to her death (27 years or something.. but I don't know whether that's true)

The Pot: Probably referring to cannabis in the way that people criticise the negative impact that weed has that turns people into wasters. But in turn these people that criticise the stoners are just as useless themselves.. seems to be to do with an overall concept of hypocrisy

Lipan Conjuring: Umm yeah.. :E

Lost Keys/Rosetta Stoned: I can't take credit for it but the idea behind this someone thought was that it was an acid/DMT trip in reverse. I.e. Lost Keys illustrates the come-down, whilst Rosetta Stoned takes a look through the trip itself.. hence the sped up computer voice at the start.

I've also read this, though I'm not sure how much is true:

The Rosetta Stone is a rock in a british museum that has writing on it in 3 different scripts. It was used as a primary tool in decyphering hyroglyphics. So basically, the title means that this patient feels like he's a tool in uncovering the mysteries that happened on that fateful night.

Intension/Right in Two/Viginti Tres - I'm not gonna say anything about these as I haven't listened to them enough yet. However, Viginti Tres is 23 in Latin if I'm not mistaken and so seems to maybe suggest a continuation from Lateralus, a second disc almost, if you discount Faaip De Oiad.. interesting to see the results people get from overlaying other songs though.
I'll repost what I posted on TA after listening through some more times...

I was pretty fired up for my first listen to the album, I don't think I've ever anticipated another album as much as this one - five years is a long time to think about what the new material would be like, but I wasn't disappointed.

'Vicarious' is probably still my favourite track, possibly because I'm so familiar with it or maybe because it's so brutal and I can agree so wholeheartedly with the sentiment of the song. 'Wings For Marie'/'10,000 Days' jumped out at me most after a first listen though. They're so involving and sad when taken together as one piece. They made me think a lot about my mother and I can't begin to imagine what Maynard must have gone through as a child. As a piece of music '10,000 Days' totally blew me away. The weather effects are so brutal and really suck you further into the dark environment of the album. I closed my eyes for my first listen to this one and started feeling really light headed - always a good sign with a new Tool song!

'Jambi' and 'The Pot' took me a another listen to begin to get into, but they're really growing on me. There's so many smiling ear to ear minutes when listening to them (for me my first on the album was the little slide Justin does down the frets in 'Jambi' right before it kicks back in again :D). The Pot also has some beautifully quotable lyrics as well 'Foot in mouth and head up *******' - one of the finest iambic pentameters I've come across.

'Rosetta Stoned' - I love the second half of the song, but I can't get into the first part yet. I think it'll be a grower as the end is amazing.

I like the way 'Intension' slowly builds up and then finishes with a kind of NIN feel to it - totally different to anything Tool have done before. I was a bit surprised when the samples first kicked in but I really like it.

'Right In Two' is another firm favourite of mine at the minute. Even though it's not extremely heavy, it seems to have it's own rumbling gravitas and I love the swells and troughs that it goes through before exploding.

Overall I'm extremely pleased with the album, and I'm sure more things will grow and become apparent as I listen to it more, but I'm definitely fired up to see the live show twice in a month or so! As a whole, the album is a lot darker and more desolate than maybe any other Tool album, and the use of polyrhythms is even more widespread (I think that's why it seems so impenetrable when you're used to listening to mostly 4/4 for the last few years!). The album booklet is amazing as well, and as I sat and looked through it during my first listen I was reminded by how much of the total package Tool are.

rOAdeh - a lot of people think 'The Pot' is more about US foreign policy than actual marijuana ;)
IceBus said:
rOAdeh - a lot of people think 'The Pot' is more about US foreign policy than actual marijuana ;)

I did mean to write that as just an example, I don't think the song is about weed at all - more to do with hypocrisy as I mentioned, where US foreign policy is perhaps a perfect example ;)
cleanbluesky said:
Only just started listening to the album and still have no comments on it but you two ought to stow that talk about politics, DONT EVEN WISH THAT ON THIS ALBUM

That's what 'Vicarious' is about :p
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