Tabletop Warhammer?

Cant remember how many hit and caused wounds but he had 2 heavy bolters (6 shots), An Auto Cannon (2shots) and a Missile Launcher (1 shot)... all because of that bloody 4+ save
I still need to paint my Cultists, Forgefiend, Deamon prince, 3 Bikes, Chaos lord and Chosen. Before I start on my DE Army plus what I ordered Wracks and Inqubi lol
I ain't got an email or anything yet too I am working on my orcs as they all needed re painting as they where shocking at the time lol so they look loads better now like still need my commandos about 15 troops 2 bikes and half fone buggie I order killer kanns battle wagon Nd lootas lol oh Nd need to paint/build my gargoyles for my nids so I got plenty to keep me going haha
No1newt's Tyranids vs Woogie's Chaos Space Marines – 1500pts

The mission was Take and Hold with a standard deployment. After not much convincing from me, Woogie chose the Valiant Horses of Typhus to defend, placing it in the upper left corner of the battlefield. Newts chose some...purple....tyranid....mouth thing as his and placed it right in the middle of his deployment zone.



Turn 1:

Newts faced the difficult decision that Tyranid players always have in objective games, namely how to defend? Tyranid squads are rarely tough and are far more suited attacking than holding an objective. The army advanced strongly down the left flank with only one squad of Hormagaunts holding the objective supported by a second squad and the Tyrnaid Warriors just ahead of them. The first casualty of the battle was a member of the Havoc squad in the centre, who was killed by the Tyrannofex (one of only two units that actually had guns, and the only one in range).

Woogie advanced his lesser Daemons (who have made a huge improvement, surviving the first turn this battle) and two Plague Marine squads (1 led by Typhus) The Havocs and remaining Marines opened fire on the advancing Hormagaunts, killing 8 from the two most advanced squads. The Havoc squad on the right flank shot at the Warrior squad, killing one of the huge creatures.


Turn 2:

Newts, perhaps realising that leaving his synapse creatures in the open may not be the best move withdrew his Warriors behind a screen of Hormagaunts around the objective. The other 2 squads of Gaunts and the Swarmlord hurtled forwards (Newts was rolling well for his runs!) and all charged the lesser daemons. Needless to say, they were swiftly despatched by a horde of razor sharp claws. The Tyrannofex failed to crack the Plague Marine armour this turn.


Three squads of Havocs and two squads of Plague Marines (3 missile launchers, 4 heavy bolters, 2 autocannons, 4 rapid firing plasma guns and 9 rapid firing bolters) opened fire on the Tyranid horde at point blank range. The fire was devastating, killing 19 of the 24 Gaunts and wounding both the Swarmlord and his Tyrant Guard!) Typhus and the 2 marine squads continued to advance towards the objective.


Turn 3:

Despite the slaughter from the previous turn the remaining Gaunts charged into combat with the nearest Havoc squad while the Swarmlord charged the Plague Marines. Both squads were torn to pieces (The Swarmlord reduced the Marines WS and BS to 1 making it even more of an overkill!) only one Gaunt being lost to the Havocs. The 2 Gaunt squads on the right charged Typhus and his squad, killing one (3+ Feel No Pain save is very tough!) and losing 12 in return, mainly to Typhus and his deadly Manreaper. They remained in Synapse range and held their ground. The Genestealers turned up on the right flank but thanks to some nifty footwork (Newts rolled a 6 for his run) just managed to get into combat with the nearest Plague Marine squad....and promptly tore them to pieces. Despite the heavy losses in the previous turn the Tyranids had rallied and dealt out some serious pain in combat!


The Plague Marines shot at the remaining Gaunts who killed the Havocs in the previous turn, easily killing them with heavy weapon fire. The Havocs shot at the Swarmlord and his Guard with 3 Krak Missiles, finishing off the Guard and leaving the Swarmlord with 3 wounds. The final Havoc squad shot at the Genestealers but only killed two. Typhus then unleashed his Nurgle's Rot (which neither me or Newts realised he could do in combat!) and killed 16 Gaunts! The final few were then slain by Typhus and his squad in combat.


Turn 4:

The Swarmlord continued working his way through the Chaos line, this time charging the Plague Marines and killing just two (Newts cast his WS1 and BS1 on the Havoc squad next to them so their shooting wouldn't be as effective.) The Genestealers charged Typhus and killed four plague marines (The Genestealers have rending claws, on a to wound roll of 6 they ignore armour saves and Feel No Pain, Newts was doing well with them!) Typhus went to attack back...but the Daemon in his Manreaper wounded him instead! (The Chaos Gods are fickle, on a roll of 1 the bearer takes a wound and can't attack) With the game running down this was not what Woogie needed, Typhus stuck in a long combat instead of advancing on the objective.


The Swarmlord killed another two Plague Marines but amazingly the final warrior wounded the beast in return! (This last marine surviving was crucial, it meant the combat would likely end on a Tyranid turn, so Woogie could open fire with the Havocs next to them into the wounded Swarmlord) The Havocs on the right shot at the Tyranid Warriors, killing one and wounding the other. Typhus made up for last turn my killing 6 Genestealers, leaving just the Broodlord and one 'stealer left!


Turn 5:

The Swarmlord killed the last heretic and prepared to face the missiles next turn. The final wounded warrior limped behind the hill to get away from the Havoc fire! (I'm seeing a theme with Newts here, in my last Take and Hold game with him he spent the last few turns hiding his Orks behind the objective!)Newts desperately charged Typhus with his Tyrannofex, but with Initiative 1 Typhus struck first and killed it in one hit! Another Plague Marine fell to the Rending Claws of the Genestealers leaving just one Marine with Typhus.


The Havocs killed the Swarmlord with a hail of Krak Missiles, the tough hide doing nothing against the tankbusting weapons. Typhus and the marine killed the final Genestealer and wounded the Broodlord but were still stuck in combat. (all Woogie had to do was pass a leadership test to Instant Death the Broodlord but amazingly he failed!) The Havocs ran to get a firing line on the lone Warrior holding the objective.


At this point both armies had one remaining model that could hold an objective (the Plague Marine in combat and the wounded Warrior!) If the game ended here Newts would win 1-0.......but a 6 was rolled and we played another turn!

Turn 6:

The Broodlord died to the Manreaper of Typhus at last. And Typhus and the remaining Plague Marine consolidated towards the objective. The Warrior continued to hide behind the objective!


Woogie ran Typhus as far as he could but fell 3 inches short of contesting the objective. The two Havocs opened fire with 1 Missile Launcher, 2 Heavy Bolters and an Autocannon but amazingly, the Warrior survived!

Newts had only one model left but that model was winning the game, one more turn and Typhus would charge in and kill the Warrior, claiming victory for Chaos...but Newts rolled a 2 and the game ended!


Final Score:

No1newts - 1
Woogie - 0



Definitely the closest battle we've had, going right down to the wire. So many thing could have changed this from a victory to a defeat in the final few turns (Typhus failing his Daemon Weapon tes, Typhus failing his Psychic test, the final Tyranid Warrior doing his best impersonation of Neo from The Matrix!) I've never seen anyone win a game with one model. I think both players played this well, a very evenly matched battle.

Special mention goes to Typhus and The Swarmlord really, both are expensive units (Swarmlord in particular) but they almost single-handedly chomped through units, here was there final kill count:

Swarmlord (355 points):

5 Lesser Daemons – 65 pts
10 Plague Marines – 290 pts

Total 355 points (what a coincidence :/)

Typhus (225 points):

28 Hormagaunts – 224 pts
5 Genestealers – 80 pts
Broodlord – 65 pts

Total 369 points.

So Typhus was slightly more effective (Nurgle's Rot just rips through low toughness creatures) but in a straight fight The Swarmlord would almost certainly win in single combat though(higher initiative means Typhus would most probably be dead before he got to attack)

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You Missed a part of the combat...... the Tyranofex just disappeared between screenshots :) He was 1 shotted by Typhus in first turn he charged.

Awesome game though loved every moment of it. Great Write up Shami :)
Great write up Shami.

Love the Neo Nid :D

How he survived all that heavy power fire is beyond me, the misses and 3 4+ saves made don't happen very often!! :p

Great game!
That software looks pretty kool. I just returned to the hobby with 6th ed last year. In the midst of trying to finish a 1500pt Emperors Children army. Just need to motivate myself to finish my infantry.
No think that is happening this week. Should be a Interesting game.

I should be available Saturday During the day/evening for a game if Any fancies it... either tourney or Friendly.
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