Tabletop Warhammer?

Yes that's fine. We did use mumble but the ocuk channel has gone. Skype is easy if you have that? Just search for shamikebab and I should come up.

Have you played 6th edition before?

Here's my list:

HQ (105pts)
Farseer (105pts)
Shuriken pistol, Singing spear (5pts)

Troops (217pts)
Dire Avengers (157pts)
9x Dire Avenger (117pts)
9x Avenger shuriken catapult, 9x Plasma grenades
Disarming Strike (10pts) (Disarming Strike), Power weapon and shimmershield (20pts)

Rangers (60pts)
5x Ranger (60pts)
5x Ranger long rifle, 5x Shuriken pistol

Fast Attack (112pts)
Swooping Hawks (112pts)
7x Swooping Hawk (112pts)
7x Haywire grenades, 7x Lasblaster, 7x Plasma grenades, 7x Swooping Hawk grenade pack

Heavy Support (315pts)
Dark Reapers (150pts)
5x Dark Reaper (150pts)
5x Reaper launcher

Wraithlord (165pts)
2x Brightlance (40pts), Ghostglaive (5pts), Two flamers

Total - 749pts

Try a few units before the game on Sunday :D

Skype's fine, I'll write a list in a bit, I'll be bring DE as I have a DE army but I've never actually played it...I've always been a bit more of a painter.

I played fifth quite a bit toward the end of its life but barely touched sixth, I have an idea of a few of the new rules but I'll probably be a bit slow, sorry if it'll be like pulling teeth!
Been reading this thread for a while now and seriously tempted to have a dabble again. Used to play years ago when it was Citadel miniatures (and getting Heroquest, Space Crusade then Space Hulk et'al).
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Suits are easy tbh. New Helios build. 2 x Plasma Rifle and 1 x Fusion Blaster per suit.

Double plasma in rapid fire range with markerlight support destroys everything. Fusion for any vehicle that need to die.

9" melta range and then assault jump to run away is great.

Can only fire 2 weapons per turn but gives you options.
Suits are easy tbh. New Helios build. 2 x Plasma Rifle and 1 x Fusion Blaster per suit.

Double plasma in rapid fire range with markerlight support destroys everything. Fusion for any vehicle that need to die.

9" melta range and then assault jump to run away is great.

Can only fire 2 weapons per turn but gives you options.

Sounds like an interesting loadout.

There are so many units I want to take, it's not funny! :(
Got my list together

Archon with power sword, soul trap, shadow field 115

4 bloodbrides, 1 with hydra gauntlets, venom with Additional splinter canon 127

5 wyches, venom with additional splinter canon 125

5 wyches, venom with additional splinter canon 125

5 wyches, venom with additional splinter canon 125

5 reavers, cluster caltrops 130

Total 747
Yep here

I'm sure you'll all be very happy to learn I lost my first game :p

6-0 to Dark Eldar (1 objective, slay the warlord, first blood, linebreaker)

It all went wrong.

So much poison fire killed the Wraithlord easily. 4 vehicles that can fire 48 shots a turn at 750 points is just devastating to infantry lists!

Congratulations to Vincent!
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