Tabletop Warhammer?

Yep here

I'm sure you'll all be very happy to learn I lost my first game :p

6-0 to Dark Eldar (1 objective, slay the warlord, first blood, linebreaker)

It all went wrong.

So much poison fire killed the Wraithlord easily. 4 vehicles that can fire 48 shots a turn at 750 points is just devastating to infantry lists!

Congratulations to Vincent!

Don't gloat, don't mock
Don't gloat, don't mock
Don't gloat, don't mock
Don't gloat, don't mock
Don't gloat, don't mock
Don't gloat, don't mock
Don't gloat, don't mock


Tee hee you lost at last... :p
Haha, well poor shami's army was like the perfect opponent for dark Eldar, lots of infantry and a Monsterous creature and not a vehicle in sight so I'm counting my victory mostly on that. I'd expect a more one sided game in reverse if the forces were more balanced.

But that was a great intro to vassal and it seems I'm not a million miles away with sixth edition so all in all I'm pretty pleased, shami is a great opponent as well :)
I'm sorry! I had literally no idea I was deleting it for everyone! I can't see an option to only sync selected files but I got some more Dropbox space so I'll stop pruning the 40k older now haha!
Does this work? Unfortunately I'm not a member of any shared folders from other people so I don't know if it works the same for you lot, try unchecking folders you don't need though.

The army lists are up for the game at 13:00! Not a Riptide or Wraithknight in sight...

Farseer (120pts)
Shuriken pistol, Singing spear (5pts)
Eldar jetbike (15pts)

Farseer (120pts)
Shuriken pistol, Singing spear (5pts)
Eldar jetbike (15pts)

9x Striking Scorpions (210pts)
Exarch (40pts)
Mandiblasters (Mandiblasters), Plasma grenades, Scorpion Chainsword, Scorpion's claw (30pts)

6x Guardian Jetbike (102pts) (Eldar Jetbike), 2x Shuriken Cannons (20pts)

9x Guardian Jetbike (153pts) (Eldar Jetbike), 3x Shuriken Cannons (30pts)

9x Guardian Jetbike (153pts) (Eldar Jetbike), 3x Shuriken Cannons (30pts)

10x Swooping Hawks (160pts)

10x Warp Spiders (190pts)

9x Warp Spiders (235pts)
Exarch (45pts)
Fast Shot (10pts) (Fast Shot), Marksman's Eye (10pts) (Marksman's Eye), Spinneret rifle (15pts)

Fire Prism (140pts)
Holo-fields (15pts) (Holo-fields), Prism cannon, Twin-linked shuriken catapults

Fire Prism (140pts)
Holo-fields (15pts) (Holo-fields), Prism cannon, Twin-linked shuriken catapults

3x War Walker (65pts)
Scatter laser (5pts), Shuriken cannon

2x Crisis Bodyguard
Crisis battlesuit, Fusion blaster, 2x Plasma rifle
2x Marker Drone

Crisis battlesuit, Fusion blaster, 2x Plasma rifle , Puretide Engram Neurochip, Shield generator
Marker Drone

Ethereal (55pts)
Homing beacon (5pts)

3x Stealth Shas'ui
Burst cannon, Stealth battlesuit (Stealth, Shrouded)

2x Stealth Shas'ui (fusion)
Fusion blaster, Stealth battlesuit (Shrouded, Stealth), Target lock

Stealth Shas'vre (55pts)
Burst cannon, Homing beacon, Markerlight and target lock, Stealth battlesuit (Stealth, Shrouded)

2x Crisis Shas'ui
2x Burst cannon , Crisis battlesuit

Crisis Shas'vre
Airbursting fragmentation projector, Crisis battlesuit, Twin-linked burst cannon

3x Marker Drone

4x Fire Warrior Team:

11x Fire Warrior Shas'la with pulse rifle, Photon grenades
Fire Warrior Shas'u
Markerlight and target lock, Pulse rifle
2x Marker Drone

2x Piranha
Fusion blaster, Two Gun Drones

2x Hammerhead Gunship
Disruption pod , Railgun with submunitions, Twin-linked smart missile system

Broadside Team:

Broadside Shas'ui
Broadside battlesuit, Twin-linked heavy rail rifle, Twin-linked smart missile system

Broadside Shas'ui
Broadside battlesuit, Target lock, Twin-linked heavy rail rifle, Twin-linked smart missile system
2x Marker Drone
Been having lots of fun building my old abandoned Valkyrie this weekend, will post up some pics tomorrow. It's lacking any sort of detail atm, but been great fun so far. Bit daunting compared to the size of the dreadnought I did :p
To follow up our post-battle discussion, you did indeed table me in our tournament game, Dan, so I guess I had no real need to worry about losing those last five Fire Warriors after all. :p
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