Tabletop Warhammer?

So got another few bargins from a guy getting out of the hobby. Just gotta wait a couple weeks to pick them up

Unpainted fortress of redemption £30

2xDreadnoughts with extra weapons £10 each

Land Raider £15

Stormraven £20

Not bad overall I thought. Fortress was never on my list but itll be something for the table im putting together.
Should be home by 3pm on Sunday so sometime after then is good!

Any time after 3pm is good for me too.

So got another few bargins from a guy getting out of the hobby. Just gotta wait a couple weeks to pick them up

Unpainted fortress of redemption £30

2xDreadnoughts with extra weapons £10 each

Land Raider £15

Stormraven £20

Not bad overall I thought. Fortress was never on my list but itll be something for the table im putting together.

Some good bargains there. Land Raider for £15 is a steal! In fact they all are
Yeah I'm pretty chuffed. Will need to strip them down from the Black Templars and Grey Knights they are now but still worth it I think.

Also the contents page is up for the new forgeworld apocalypse book. Typhon, Cerberus and Fellblade tanks are all in which is great news for me as I now have an excuse to buy at least a Fellblade at some point. Also includes Contemptor rules so this will be the first Forge World book I pick up it seems.
Yeah I'm pretty chuffed. Will need to strip them down from the Black Templars and Grey Knights they are now but still worth it I think.

Also the contents page is up for the new forgeworld apocalypse book. Typhon, Cerberus and Fellblade tanks are all in which is great news for me as I now have an excuse to buy at least a Fellblade at some point. Also includes Contemptor rules so this will be the first Forge World book I pick up it seems.

Out of interest, what army are you painting them?
Doomsday ark?

Easiest way is to shoot it asap. What Anti tank do you have?

Failing that stay out of LOS and make it move, it's main gun is only good when it's stationary (it goes from 72" Strength 9 AP1 Large Blast to 24" Strength 7 AP4 Blast)
Picked up the Techmarine+servitor box today to work as my Master of the Forge. I really wish there was instructions in this kit. Looking at it doesnt seem to make a whole lot of sense but maybe once I unclip it and start playing around itll all come together.
For some reason I cannot upload my list onto dropbox even after de-syncing the 40k bonus folder.

so here's my list:

Leroy's Green *******s (999pts)

1000pt Orks 6th Ed (2008) Codex Roster (Primary Detachment)

Orks 6th Ed (2008) Codex (Primary Detachment) Selections:

HQ (85pts)

Big Mek (85pts)
Furious Charge, Independent Character, Mob Rule, Waaagh!
Choppa, Kustom force field (50pts) (Kustom Force Field), Mek's tools (Mek's Tools)
Elites (150pts)

Lootas (75pts)
Furious Charge, Mob Rule, Waaagh!
5x Loota (75pts)
5x Deffgun
Lootas (75pts)
Furious Charge, Mob Rule, Waaagh!
5x Loota (75pts)
5x Deffgun
Troops (544pts)

Ork Boyz (140pts)
Furious Charge, Mob Rule, Waaagh!
18x Boy (108pts)
18x Shoota
Boy with special weapon (11pts)
Big shoota (5pts)
Nob (21pts)
Bosspole (5pts) (Bosspole), Choppa
Ork Boyz (140pts)
Furious Charge, Mob Rule, Waaagh!
18x Boy (108pts)
18x Shoota
Boy with special weapon (11pts)
Big shoota (5pts)
Nob (21pts)
Bosspole (5pts) (Bosspole), Choppa
Ork Boyz (140pts)
Furious Charge, Mob Rule, Waaagh!
18x Boy (108pts)
18x Shoota
Boy with special weapon (11pts)
Big shoota (5pts)
Nob (21pts)
Bosspole (5pts) (Bosspole), Choppa
Ork Boyz (124pts)
Furious Charge, Mob Rule, Waaagh!
18x Boy (108pts)
18x Slugga & choppa (Choppa)
Nob (16pts)
Heavy Support (220pts)

Battlewagon (110pts)
4x Big shoota (20pts)
Battlewagon (110pts)
4x Big shoota (20pts)
Profile Summary:

Name Unit Type WS BS S T W I A LD Save Pg Reference
Big Mek Infantry (ch) 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 8 6+
Boy Infantry 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+
Loota Infantry 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+
Nob Infantry (ch) 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 6+
Name BS Front Side Rear Type Transport Capacity Fire Points Access Points Pg HP Reference
Battlewagon 2 14 12 10 Tank, Open-topped,Transport 20 models. Models in mega armour count as 2 models. Everywhere (open-topped) Everywhere (open-topped) 55 4
Name Range Strength AP Type Pg Reference
Big Shoota 36" 5 5 Assault 3
Choppa Melee As User - CCW
Deffgun 48" 7 4 Heavy D3
Shoota 18" 4 6 Assault 2
Slugga 12" 4 6 Pistol
Roster Rule Summary:

Mob Rule: Codex: Orks (pg 31)
Waaagh!: Codex: Orks (pg 31)
Selection Rule Summary:

Bosspole: Codex: Orks (pg 92)
Choppa: Choppas are close combat weapons, see the Warhammer 40K rulebook.
Furious Charge: See the Warhammer 40K rulebook.
Independent Character: See the Warhammer 40K rulebook.
Kustom Force Field: Codex: Orks (pg 34)
Mek's Tools: Codex: Orks (pg 34)
Mob Rule: Codex: Orks (pg 31)
Waaagh!: Codex: Orks (pg 31)
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