Tabletop Warhammer?

With metallics, using something like glaze medium instead of water can help a bit, but it is usually harder to get the balance right with those than anything else, really.

I haven't painted anything for a few weeks now. Starting to get frustrated. :(
Yeah I'm on a break, heat is not leading to painting at all.

Neither of you responded to my email or the Vassal thread, did you get it? At the moment I have 3 confirms out of 7 I think :(
Heat is only one of the problems. I have so many injuries at the moment I can't sit at my desk for long periods and gripping tools and brushes isn't as easy as it could be. I'm just glad it's the summer break and I have four weeks to recover. :o

Haven't looked at the Vassal thread yet; will get on to it.
Ah that sucks :( I wish I had that excuse, mine is just failing to operate at temperatures over about 23 degrees! Still trying to finish the Wraithknight base so I can finish assembly, I'll take a pic for some feedback.
I was at a friends house this weekend playing Chaos Daemons for the first time since they redid the rules.

They were already a bit complicated to play, but I think GW did their best to make them extra complicated :p
It didn't help that some of the rules for them seemed to be spread out over 3 sections of the book:p (and the fold out "reference" didn't include some important bits).
Just magnetised my first predator. Feel pretty good about getting it done. Only a couple mistakes. The magnets on the autocannon arent quite flush so its a bit tough to get in however im sure itll be using that most of the time so its not the end of the world.
Yeah I've tried to read that codex and make a list and I just got confused as hell :p

Aye, I kept forgetting things (like the fact each of the 4 gods offers different bonuses to the daemons).
It did not help that in the two weeks up to the weekend (and I still wasn't all there over the weekend*:p), I'd had one of the worst infections I'd had in years so didn't get a chance to do a last minute read through to refresh my memory, or get any practice games in (i'd read the book fully when I got it, then when deciding on my army).

aceytrixx, a tip for magnetising stuff, use a spare base and glue a magnet on that, with the orientation for the weapons to stick to the "up" side of the magnet.
That way you can stack magnets on it and be sure that they are the right way up when you go to use them :) (vehicle side magnets from the bottom of the stack, weapon side ones from the top).
It greatly reduces the risk of you putting a magnet into the hole then finding it's the wrong way round to mate with the other magnet.

*It was 50/50 until the Tuesday evening as to whether I'd go or not.
aceytrixx, a tip for magnetising stuff, use a spare base and glue a magnet on that, with the orientation for the weapons to stick to the "up" side of the magnet.
That way you can stack magnets on it and be sure that they are the right way up when you go to use them :) (vehicle side magnets from the bottom of the stack, weapon side ones from the top).
It greatly reduces the risk of you putting a magnet into the hole then finding it's the wrong way round to mate with the other magnet.

That would have been easier. I just placed the magnets together then pulled them apart to glue them. Got them all the right way round but was all kinds of fiddly. I have another one I have to do tonight so I will use your method. Cheers.
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