Tabletop Warhammer?

Ah ok so your combining Ad Mech and Space Wolves into one list, that's really cool. I'm assuming they come together under the Imperium Key word? Sounds like it would be really good fun to play, charging in multiple close combat dreads is always interesting!
Ah ok so your combining Ad Mech and Space Wolves into one list, that's really cool. I'm assuming they come together under the Imperium Key word? Sounds like it would be really good fun to play, charging in multiple close combat dreads is always interesting!
Yep exactly that. Cawl will be buffing the ad mech units only but with re-rolling ALL missed shots, the 12 shot kastelan robots, and the 10 shot Icarus array on the dunecrawler, all become a bit lululul

Then hide the character dradnaights behind the troops and suicide squad them in... mwahahha
I popped in my local GW tonight to pick up a pot of death guard green as mine is running low and the manager was making a sweet orc 40k army bud replacing the vehicles with various beasts (board, giant spiders etc etc) looked really cool.
Yep exactly that. Cawl will be buffing the ad mech units only but with re-rolling ALL missed shots, the 12 shot kastelan robots, and the 10 shot Icarus array on the dunecrawler, all become a bit lululul

Then hide the character dradnaights behind the troops and suicide squad them in... mwahahha

That sounds really like a super fun list, loads of dakka and loads of face smashing! You may struggle against fast moving lists as the dreads won't be super quick so your shooty backline may get into trouble but overall will be lots of fun to play.

I popped in my local GW tonight to pick up a pot of death guard green as mine is running low and the manager was making a sweet orc 40k army bud replacing the vehicles with various beasts (board, giant spiders etc etc) looked really cool.

I wish I was as creative as some of the people who make those types of Ork armies, some of the ideas that people come up with are so brilliant and really well executed.

My friend has a huge ork army and does loads of conversions. He doesn't stick to any particular theme as he does a lot of it for a monthly painting competition on Dakka so he thinks of a conversion for that month and does it, he's done some really amazing stuff. When we played a game a little while ago my StormRaven was fighting against his Ork X-Wing Dakka Jet :D
When I'm paid next month (skint because my washer dryer broke :p) I'm picking up Typhus and some Green Stuff and going to convert him into a lord of contaigan. Going to have a snakelike neck growing out from where his helmet should be with a Plagurbearer head on top, then going to have a flesh mesh where his right arm is with one arm (probably Plaguebearer again) coming out holding a banner and another holding a plague sword so he has 3 arms. Then going to use my spare Nurglings for decoration. The manager offered to help me and seems more excited about it than me :p
When I'm paid next month (skint because my washer dryer broke :p) I'm picking up Typhus and some Green Stuff and going to convert him into a lord of contaigan. Going to have a snakelike neck growing out from where his helmet should be with a Plagurbearer head on top, then going to have a flesh mesh where his right arm is with one arm (probably Plaguebearer again) coming out holding a banner and another holding a plague sword so he has 3 arms. Then going to use my spare Nurglings for decoration. The manager offered to help me and seems more excited about it than me :p

That sounds like a wicked conversion, hope you post some progress pictures of how you get on with it :)
There's a Warhammer store opened in Rotherham, which I go past every Saturday. I've been in a few times, as I used to be into GW stuff when I was in my early teens & the models on sale in there are pretty flippin' impressive (& He's a pretty nifty painter himself). Also I've binge watched Warhammer TV & some chap called Duncan Rhodes painting the models, he makes it look so easy he should change his name to Bob Ross. I thought I'd spec up their latest model on the painting tutorial, Morathi. £120 for the paints alone! Now I realise that no one in their right mind would just go and buy them all off the bat to paint 1 model, but either way that's some pretty hefty amounts of paint needed for 1 kit! Looks amazing when painted mind.
Ah have you seen the light of Saint Duncan of the two thin coats;)

You can do most models to a basic/reasonable level with maybe 4 or 5 paints in many cases (then do the highlights/fancy stuff later).

I've not made much progress with my models this week as I've been under the weather, although I did spot I'd messed up my skull cannon (forgot to fit a part that had to go round a rod before gluing the rod in place), fortunately due to it's location I managed to cut the part in half and fit it in without it being obvious.
Ah have you seen the light of Saint Duncan of the two thin coats;)

You can do most models to a basic/reasonable level with maybe 4 or 5 paints in many cases (then do the highlights/fancy stuff later).

I've not made much progress with my models this week as I've been under the weather, although I did spot I'd messed up my skull cannon (forgot to fit a part that had to go round a rod before gluing the rod in place), fortunately due to it's location I managed to cut the part in half and fit it in without it being obvious.

I have! And I take it, that no matter how easy he makes it look, a beginner is going to be getting nowhere near the his results. What he does looks like it's taken a lot of practice.

Funnily enough when I was in the shop the guy who works there said it was as easy as St Duncan made it look. I was a bit dubious, but there you go :p

I take it the Skinks & Saurus are like the Lizardmen and the Beastclaw Raiders are like the Norsca from Total War: Warhammer?
I recently got back into it and I've found it easier than I thought to hit a decent tabletop level, but the the real good painting will probably takes years of practice.

So getting a good solid level you would be happy with (as long as you have realistic expectations of yourself) is pretty achievable pretty fast but don't expect to hit the amazing levels for a long time.
Just had a little (literally 5 models a side) battle to show my son how the game works.

Got the Nurgle codex and it bangs on about how tough plague marines are, blah blah blah, well imagine my surprise when Death Guard have 1 wound and Space Marines 2 :confused: called BS and houseruled the plague marines to 2 wounds for my son :p

Quoted myself for posterity.

Eventually got round to having another battle and perhaps marines having first round, and thus shooting prior to charging mattered a lot, but found the marines without 2 wounds DG far too easy for marines.

The most laughable element being retard poxealkers having 2 attacks and death guard having 1?! I admit to being over sensitive to lore but this was plain dumb and the marines mauled the DG as a 5+ invulnerable save don't mean **** when one round of shooting deatrorys your army and then poxwalkers (who are understanding ignored) need 5+ to hit then wound.

I'll never be a player beyond messing about with family and friends but find the balance a little off (possibly because I'm so casual I miss the subtleties)
Quoted myself for posterity.

That sounds like poor deployment, I've seen people screen the dg with the poxwalkers so marines don't get to shoot them, or use terrain so they are obscured before there movement.

Also why have you given your son the more difficult faction for newcomers,smurfs are stater armies for a reason?
He likes the look of them and insisted he get to play them. :p

We aren't playing advanced tactics I just find the balancing a little weird (when treating it from a lore perspective) that the DG seem relatively underpowered by comparison though perhaps my mistake is getting hung up on the lore.

Despite my mini rang it will just be me and him playing so not really an issue at all, just feels weird.

On another note eventually got round to finishing the Plagurbearers at the weekend, happy with how they turned out, on to some more Death Guard now.
The DG in the dark imperium box set are a little underpointed as a force. I think marines have the advantage by 150+ points so you're probably right on the house rule to help even out.
A little observation about the instructions for the Khorne Skull cannon.

They're really quite poor :p
They've not numbered some parts, missed some out completely (unless I'm missing something), and unclear on the placing of others.

Loving the model, hating building it thanks to the instructions and fiddly bits.
So following release of new Tau codex I have had a friend order me bulk of the army. I have already got 2 of the larger battleforce boxes and adding another chunk of stuff should keep me busy. Being paid in models for painting friends stuff feels a great way to not pay for the hobby.

Just need to finish a 1:48 scale Tornado I am doing first and then the AM stuff for my friend and I'll break out the Tau. Got a load of Shapeways parts already at home for changing some things around so should help with weapon loadouts and make a few more unique models.

Yet to read the book or many reviews so has anyone played with/against new Tau yet?
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