Tabletop Warhammer?

Here’s my first dreadnaught on the go... I have a whopping 3 to build. The plan is to build an epic rush army. From what I gather the space wolves dreadnaughts are just ridiculousness if you can get them close enough - so that’s the plan :D

As you can tell, he’s not glued yet - I’m going to spray different parts with different bases to hopefully speed up painting and make him look really neat. I’ll then assemble with super glue. Fingers crossed it doesn’t look ass! Also... space wolves with a mars base.... think that’s a new one :D :o


My first attempt at getting the rust effect (which I am happy with) and the Oxidising on the Brass which I am not as happy with, I find the Nihilakh Oxide (or however you spell it) goes on a little funny. It's essentially a wash with bits in so find it clogs up a little in the wrong places and can be a little "overly bright" so tried dulling it with a wash over but still not hugely enamored with the effect. I'll try watering it down a little more next time and see the results.
^ lol those models are completely gross. I enjoy watching someone else learn along side me so please do keep posting! Yeah some paint techniques and shading seems really hard to pull off well... just practice I guess!

Meanwhile, in nitefly world, the snow made spray painting a bit of a no-no so rather than paint that dreadnaught I decided to take advice from another forum and magnetise a model! Again, just an experiment - and quite a scary one at that! The idea is that by attaching the limbs / weapons via magnets you can then swap them at will and also remove the arms to paint, so lots of good reasons to do it.

In short, you drill into the model and insert a little magnet, then superglue the magnets in place. The fear of going wrong is rather high!

In the end it worked out pretty good - see below! I like that you can pose the arms at your will, although not so much on the mahoosive auto cannon which naturally sags due to being front ended. The whole thing took a long time (first attempt and all) so I’m not sure I will do it for every squad but I will do so for these space wolf terminators :)


Magnets are fun for weapons, as long as you can get the right size and strength (always go for the strongest N rating you can).

I used them in all my Tau drones because it saves the flight base pegs breaking and means I can pack the drones away into a much smaller space, then throw the bases into whatever space I have spare in the case, or even in a dice bag or whatever.

One thing you can do for larger models/heavier parts is try and do it so you have a magnet and pin, so the weight is largely held by the pin but the magnet holds it in place.

I think I've currently got something like 800x 3x2mm round magnets, and about 500x 2x1's in my parts drawers as I use the 3x2's in the bases of models (which in turn means I can transport the models fairly securely in a really useful box with "metal paper" in the bottom), and the 2x1's are used in tau models.
Magnets are fun for weapons, as long as you can get the right size and strength (always go for the strongest N rating you can).

I used them in all my Tau drones because it saves the flight base pegs breaking and means I can pack the drones away into a much smaller space, then throw the bases into whatever space I have spare in the case, or even in a dice bag or whatever.

One thing you can do for larger models/heavier parts is try and do it so you have a magnet and pin, so the weight is largely held by the pin but the magnet holds it in place.

I think I've currently got something like 800x 3x2mm round magnets, and about 500x 2x1's in my parts drawers as I use the 3x2's in the bases of models (which in turn means I can transport the models fairly securely in a really useful box with "metal paper" in the bottom), and the 2x1's are used in tau models.

Very insightful, ta - I used 3x1s and they are brutally strong, although as I said that auto cannon was never going to stay rigid with a small magnet. The chain fist is fully posable and awesome :)

Is gross good? :p

I like that magnet idea for bigger models, it's a pain when you stick things together and they make painting the recesses a pain.
They are supposed to be gross aren't they? :p Yes they look ace, good stuff!
Yeah they are supposed to be gross, wasn't sure if that was some sort of slang I didn't know :p proper old man moment :D

Im trapped in Lowestoft of all places thanks to the weather so popped into a local model shop and they had a box of Plaguebearers on sale for £18 so I nabbed them. Just finished sticking them all together and if im still stuck here tomorrow I will start painting them. Look fun to paint.
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I started painting my dunecrawler this evening (snow stopped me spraying, again!) and it seems much harder to get a good finish on a larger surface than a small one. The large base brush gets good coverage but just seems a little clumsy and it’s hard to get a good amount of paint on the brush.

How frowned upon is it to play with an unpainted army? I want to arrange a game via a Facebook group but worried no one will want to play! :(
How well painted/stage of painting depends entirely on who you're playing, apparently a lot of "competitive" and tourney players use barely painted armies as they change them so often (min/maxing), from what a few friends have said normally it's minimum of 3 colours+ base for tournies, but when my group play it can be anything from bare plastic to excellent paint quality depending on how much time everyone has had :)

Basically ask what they say, I suspect most will be more interested in a fun game and if you have any idea what your models are:)

Most of my models tend to be basic paint schemes because I've somehow ended up with high model count armies* and never enough time to do them before my (normally) yearly weekend of play at a friends, then never getting the time afterwards to do the fancier stuff, whilst a friend used to work in a FW store and his stuff is a work of art, but even he has fielded bare plastic once for a few models.

*I love the look of Skaven but by god are they a pain to paint anything like a reasonable size army (at least for me, one of my friends can turn out a decent looking army in a week, and once did a Necron army in a day).
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I started painting my dunecrawler this evening (snow stopped me spraying, again!) and it seems much harder to get a good finish on a larger surface than a small one. The large base brush gets good coverage but just seems a little clumsy and it’s hard to get a good amount of paint on the brush.

How frowned upon is it to play with an unpainted army? I want to arrange a game via a Facebook group but worried no one will want to play! :(

Back in the day GW used to be really insane about it (I once turned up with necromunda figures with grey painted bases for effect and was told they must be green or I couldn't play :p) these days when I go into the store there's people playing without even base sprayed armies.

As werewolf says ask around but most probably want a game and aren't as bothered about painting or standard.

*I love the look of Skaven but by god are they a pain to paint anything like a reasonable size army (at least for me, one of my friends can turn out a decent looking army in a week, and once did a Necron army in a day).

My mate at home got the "start collecting" WH deamon army and had the lot painted in about 8 hours to a standard better then me and I take about 8 hours a single model :p
Ah - that’s good news then! Have a 1,500 pt army of greatness planned but it’ll take me until summer to get it sorted I bet.

Dunecrawler in progress - might finish him today!
Great stuff! So jealous that took one hour!!

I have decided the ad mech are just an absolute painting nightmare - the dune crawler took FOREVER and is only OK IMO. Base is drying so will post a pic later this eve :)
Looks good.

When you say a 1500pt army, are armies calculated in points now? I bought the Nurgle codes and everything was walked about in "power" with no mention of points?
There will be points lists at the back somewhere. The new codex has made this more complicated than it needs to be. You pretty much need to made a spreadsheet to keep it all in one place.

Actually, BattleScribe is awesome for this. 110% endorsed by me! Still, I’ll have to create my own cheat sheets to play a game, otherwise there are too many unique ‘rules breaking’ rules for each troop I’d forget without scrolling back and forth to see the special rule boxes for each unit.
Cheers, I'm not really collecting to play (though i may at some point) but just found it weird looking at the codex.

Got another plagurbearer done last night, going to try and get a couple more done today because after that I'm off to Denmark for work and progress will cease.

Managed to get a couple more finished before I went away, got a couple more based in the green but would have been up post midnight finishing them. I went a little overheavy on the last two with the Wash and they got a teeny bit shiny but still happy enough.
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