Tabletop Warhammer?

Nearly finished my first four Primaris marines

Think they look great Van P. Once all this crap is over and we get both our armies sorted we'll have to get a game in!
I recently started painting again, after what is probably near enough a 20 year hiatus from when I collected/painted/played Warhammer at school, as something to do that didn't involve a screen.

So, the first step was a 'Intecessors + Paint Set'. Space Marines have a good rep for being any place to start. That very quickly became 'Intercessors + Paint Set and some extra paints and maybe that Nighthaunt set too, they look cool, oh and I probably ought to grab a couple of spray primers, oh that massive Soul Wars box set looks good maybe i'll get that...'

First to get done were the Intecessors:
Not a fantastic standard but a solid start I think, considering they were the first models i've tackled for absolutely ages.

Next up was a collection of Nighthaunt Glavewraith Stalkers - 4 from another '+ Paint Set' and 5 from the Soul Wars box set:
These are still fairly simple but a little more challenging in places than the Space Marines. I've found they're easy to get to look ok, a bit more challenging to get them to look 'good', although the potential is there for them to be really striking once I get better.
Finally finished the last of the Aliens from the Macragge box set, and the tail fin off the crashed ship. Also some work in progress piccy of two Dreadnoughts, one metal on a custom base with oil barrels and equipment, And a plastic one.


Some great paint jobs here, especially from some folk who haven't touched a brush in years!

After my new family arrivals, time was difficult to find, but I've just finished Bloodreavers number 41 to 60, and 5 Skullreapers (which are converted Stormcast). Wrathmongers next, then some Khorne cavalry and my Blades army is done.
I've been inspired to dig out the old paints as well. The quality of painting these days, let alone the models themselves, is astounding. So far I've scraped out a load of paint from the newer style GW bottles and shaken the old ones until my arms fell off. :D
I've been inspired to dig out the old paints as well. The quality of painting these days, let alone the models themselves, is astounding. So far I've scraped out a load of paint from the newer style GW bottles and shaken the old ones until my arms fell off. :D

I used distilled water and got a cheap nail polish shaker off amazon for that!
I'm seriously thinking about trying this hobby out. Only pervious experience would have been model aircraft building 20 odd years ago.

Its the miniature painting side I'm more interested in but who knows where it will lead.

Pretty lost on how to start. Would it be better just to buy a few marines and a few pots of paint than starter sets to learn a few techniques and to see if it's something I would enjoy?

I actually prefer the look of AOS than 40K but some of them seem slightly harder to start off on.

I am colour blind so would be probably be better off sticking to GW paints.
I myself only paint the models, I don’t play the game :) there’s an AoS starter set you can buy, comes with the paints you’ll need and 3 models to build:

I’d really recommend that as a complete introduction to the hobby, as Stormcast are pretty simple to paint.

If you’re on Instagram, feel free to add me: @WillsSayers - I’ll be happy to offer you painting advice etc :)
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