Tattoo Thread. Post a picture!

heres my sleeve - not had andy work done for a few months as uni sucked my bank dry



show the blink bunny ! and get the bands touched up to black ink :)
Yeah that articale even stats that the YCF were reformed in 1970 as the junior wing of a Loyalist Paramilitary force, the UVF.

And if you closely look at my brothers other tatoo's you will see they are not releating to the 'paramilitary force'.

I'm looking at getting a biomech half sleeve and some bits around the binary.
have been advised for the best biomech stuff i'd be better going to france so considering that as an option, while i'm obviously a bit concerned about cost i'm going to spend what it takes to make it how i want.
i actually want edging very similar to that spiderman one up there

Hi there Dave McKerral.

I want to get something like this when I have dropped a bit more weight.


Not on the arms though, just the back :)
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