Tattoo Thread. Post a picture!


It says OcUK in Chinese Traditional
have you sat for 6 hours solid?

Like i said i havent, and only have a regular sized tattoo. You are correct, sleeves cant be rushed due to all the listed factors, however with tattooing in general, i disagree, and personally didnt think it hurt. Theres no need to get snappy! were all here trying to help each other and especially seek. Who's tattoo i'd be very interested in seeing his when its finally done :)
Like i said i havent, and only have a regular sized tattoo. You are correct, sleeves cant be rushed due to all the listed factors, however with tattooing in general, i disagree, and personally didnt think it hurt. Theres no need to get snappy! were all here trying to help each other and especially seek. Who's tattoo i'd be very interested in seeing his when its finally done :)

i can sit for 2 hours no problem after 4 hours u really feel it. and yes it doesnt hurt until about the 3rd hour!
Can you drink after a session?

I mean I heard booze thins the blood, which might make it bleed or not heal right? :confused:

I've gone out on the pop after a session, with my tattooist. It doesn't do it any harm, it just bleeds all over everywhere. I looked like I'd been shot :/

The main reasons they tell you not to drink is a) you might be too drunk to be making that sort of decision (this is the main one), and b) if you're bleeding too much it becomes impossible to tattoo you, as they can't see what they're doing properly and it gums up too quickly with all the blood.
Can you drink after a session?

I mean I heard booze thins the blood, which might make it bleed or not heal right? :confused:

I heard that too before i had mine done. My artist said it didnt matter before hand, but i expect it will depend on the size of the tattoo, as mine wasnt large, it probaly didnt make much difference. I didnt drink for 2 weeks after though, as it slows the healing process down. The sooner you want to show it off, the sooner you should stop drinking!
i was watching all the exotic fish in my artists tank die, due to his assistant making it a tad too warm for them. When i left about 10 had died (small ones about 50 in total), i realised he had missed some shading, and went back in the afternoon, to see them pritty much all floating on the surface!

When he started work on the trap i was promtley told 'shut up and stop talking to your mate, unless you want it wonkey!':p with a needle near my neck, i promptley obliged!
How do you pass the time? A series of six hour sessions must bore the living hell out of you.

my tattooist is family :D which means we talk about the usual family stuff, makes it worse if something goes wrong :eek: which , touch wood, hasnt happened :D
Well I'm just after the real deal - I'd rather have a cheaper one done by a Japanese tatoo artist IN japan, then a japanese STYLE tattoo done here by someone who has never even been there.

So you're going to spend twelve months plus in Japan...?

Christ on a bike...

Firstly, the only Japanese tattooists who will touch you are the kind of scratchers who give tourists a 30 minute katakana and send them on their way. They won't be able to do 'Japanese' tattoos.

Secondly, even if you do find a proper artist, they won't touch you because you're a foreigner.

Thirdly, if you spend enough time getting to know the artist, living near them, befriending them and gaining their trust, you will have to wait months or years for a booking.

Fourthly, look at the equivelant of £200 and above per hour.

Fifthly, the method is much more painful and much slower than 'western' tattooing. You're looking at 60+ hours per arm.

You really haven't thought this through have you? I get the distinct impression that you're hung up on some romantic mythology about 'Japanese' tattoos which is many, many miles from reality.

Do you have a couple of years of your life and a five figure sum to spare...?

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I'm looking at getting a biomech half sleeve and some bits around the binary.
have been advised for the best biomech stuff i'd be better going to france so considering that as an option, while i'm obviously a bit concerned about cost i'm going to spend what it takes to make it how i want.
i actually want edging very similar to that spiderman one up there
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