Thanks Blitz.. handy website.
Thanks Blitz.. handy website.
you need a lifestyle change. no point going on a diet when you're just going to pile all the weight back on again afterwards.
you need a lifestyle change. no point going on a diet when you're just going to pile all the weight back on again afterwards.
To gain mass you need to have a calorie excess diet. he wants to lose fat, the best way for this is a caloric deficit.
What you suggest is similar to what i would normally say myself, however, on this occasion i think the bes thing would be to get losing the fat and seeing the results. The OP suffers from a lack of motivation, gaining mass and dropping bf% that way will take longer and will be less visable, compared to a decent diet and plenty of cardio.
I've known former fatties that have lost fat and built muscle.
nice way of putting it
Tuna Pasta Bake always went down well before gym sessions for me...