Tempted to buy a PS3 and HDTV...

29 Sep 2005
I have a 360 and Pc with Digital Z5500 Speakers and a Dell 2007wfp connected through VGA @ 720p

However, I am tempted to buy a 32" Samsung HDTV from OcUK and also a PS3 with motorstorm, genji and killzone.

Can anyone advise me at all?
is there a big scene for PS3 yet?
Are the graphics going to look good on a HDTV at 32" @ 720p
Any better than what I currently have?
Am I really missing out?
Is it going to be worth me spending £1000ish?

I am not bored of the 360, but would like better movie playback and looking at blueray as the way forward.

That is what tempts me ;) I already have a good idea of how much retailers will be dropping the price by...I by good assumption I know the online price will be even more tempting over the next week or so.
Can anyone advise me at all?
is there a big scene for PS3 yet?
Are the graphics going to look good on a HDTV at 32" @ 720p
Any better than what I currently have?
Am I really missing out?
Is it going to be worth me spending £1000ish?

1) Don't get a PS3, mine is used very little and there are hardly any good games
2) Not really, there is a large scene of PS3 bashers though
3) Yes, very good, most games are still 720p and if they are 1080p the PS3 will scale them to 720p
4) Not really
5) No, see point 1
6) depends on how rich you are :p

I went for a PS3 with a Sony 1080p LCD as I wanted a LCD anyway and got a good offer which basicaly meant getting a free PS3 with two games and an extra controller.
Dutch Guy said:
Can anyone advise me at all?
is there a big scene for PS3 yet?
Are the graphics going to look good on a HDTV at 32" @ 720p
Any better than what I currently have?
Am I really missing out?
Is it going to be worth me spending £1000ish?

1) Don't get a PS3, mine is used very little and there are hardly any good games
2) Not really, there is a large scene of PS3 bashers though
3) Yes, very good, most games are still 720p and if they are 1080p the PS3 will scale them to 720p
4) Not really
5) No, see point 1
6) depends on how rich you are :p

I went for a PS3 with a Sony 1080p LCD as I wanted a LCD anyway and got a good offer which basicaly meant getting a free PS3 with two games and an extra controller.

perfect, anybody else care to elaborate on this? any other views?

Would it be cheaper to buy a HDTV and a 360 HD Dvd Drive? What are the benefits here?
I agree with what he said, i dont think its worth getting the HD drive for 360 either really, not unless your obsessed with having HD films. I'd personally wait until one format becomes the standard.
Booner! said:
I have a 360 and Pc with Digital Z5500 Speakers and a Dell 2007wfp connected through VGA @ 720p

However, I am tempted to buy a 32" Samsung HDTV from OcUK and also a PS3 with motorstorm, genji and killzone.

Can anyone advise me at all?
is there a big scene for PS3 yet?
Are the graphics going to look good on a HDTV at 32" @ 720p
Any better than what I currently have?
Am I really missing out?
Is it going to be worth me spending £1000ish?

I am not bored of the 360, but would like better movie playback and looking at blueray as the way forward.

There's a small but ever increasing scene for the PS3.
Graphics should look great on a 32" Sammy HDTV.
I wouldn't say better, but different to what you currently have - although if you have a 360 already then you may want to wait a while until the price drop news and also the exclusives which are being released later this year.
Regarding wroth spending £1000'ish - that depends on a, how much you like HD films and b, how much expendable income you have. If you only get paid £50 a week then I would say you were an idiot for even considering it, if you get paid £1000 a week however then I would say go for it - varying degrees of responce would be assumed in between income figures.

If your really not sure then go ofor the TV now as you can hook up your 360 to it anyway and then get the PS3 when more features and films are available for it.
I don;t believe either format will become standard. What will probably happen is that both will co-exist and players will handle both formats.
BD is already pulling away from HD-DVD and you will find that if the gap grows any more then retailers will probably drop HD-DVD as they hate format wars because it means they have to stock everything twice.

I can see there being one clear winner within the next 6-12 months tbh.
Fair point, I never thought about it from the retailer point of view. I think sales are leaning towards Blu-Ray at the moment, Virgin & HMV always seem to have more blu-ray in stock, blockbuster are blue ray only. But I guess its early days.
Booner! said:
I have a 360 and Pc with Digital Z5500 Speakers and a Dell 2007wfp connected through VGA @ 720p

However, I am tempted to buy a 32" Samsung HDTV from OcUK and also a PS3 with motorstorm, genji and killzone.

Can anyone advise me at all?
is there a big scene for PS3 yet?
Are the graphics going to look good on a HDTV at 32" @ 720p
Any better than what I currently have?
Am I really missing out?
Is it going to be worth me spending £1000ish?

I am not bored of the 360, but would like better movie playback and looking at blueray as the way forward.


Get the TV, hook the 360 and watch upscaled DVDs for a while.

I personally don't think the format war is quite as over as blu-ray fans would like everyone to think and as the hd-dvd add on can be had for about £100 this would a good short term solution while you wait and see what happens in the EU regarding a PS3 price drop. I'm thinking next Summer might be a good time to get one.
I see the 'war' going on for some time..

Sales are absolutely tiny compared to regular DVD, so it doesn't take much for one to have a signficant 'lead' over the other at this stage..

I'd love only one format, and I don't really care which at this stage, I am covered both ways!..

However, with a flood of cheap HD-DVD players on the way and being able to get a Toshiba HD-DVD player for £230 already I can see them sticking it out for a while, the raft of 'dual' players is enough evidence to know that both sides know that for the medium term future both will co-exist..

As for the OP, having a 360, I'd spend the £1000 on a decent 42" 1080p LCD, and wait until next year when the PS3 will have some of the promised titles we are waiting for..
Energize said:
Blu-ray not blue ray.

does it really matter? :o


People understood what I meant...and give me credit where due, I am typing on a blank keyboard (touchtyping)

Back on topic - But is this time the best period to buy a 1080p Tv? Surely better models will be out and cheaper? is it really any improvement over 32" 720p?? :confused:
Booner! said:
I am not bored of the 360, but would like better movie playback and looking at blueray as the way forward.

Blu-ray is nice option, and imo it isn't even a two horse race in the UK with HD-DVD virtually non existant in most retailers, but it's not a reason to spend £400 on a console unless you have money to burn.

Although if your fanatical about movies the PS3 playback on standard DVD's is now superb, PQ and sound. It that's good that I've put a lot of my Blu-ray films up for sale..

As for games it really comes down to your personal tastes. Personally I felt the 360 was just to similar to a PC, although a hassle free-ish PC, so if you own a decent spec PC then maybe the 360 doesn't offer you a great deal different? On the flip side if you prefer online gaming and FPS's then I couldn't recommend the PS3 over the 360 as it lacks in this area.
Booner! said:
does it really matter? :o


People understood what I meant...and give me credit where due, I am typing on a blank keyboard (touchtyping)

Back on topic - But is this time the best period to buy a 1080p Tv? Surely better models will be out and cheaper? is it really any improvement over 32" 720p?? :confused:
Hey, I was invaded during the war and find that picture really offensive.

Joebob aka Poland ;)
Here is my 2peneth worth of the HD war currently (I have the £250ish Toshiba HD-DVD drive and a PS3 with about 30-35 movies on each format) I am also watching them on a 32" Sammy - although its a previous generation HDTV.

firstly research which movies are available now and due soon, some people see a clear divide as to which format they prefer due to this, I am slowly moving towards BR only because of the tedium in using the Tosh machine-more on which later.

There are a number of decent pressings / transfers on each format, but both are also littered with bad releases also. The best of BR include Pirates of the Caribbean I & II, The Wild, Open Season, Casino Royale and on HD-DVD Matrix trilogy, Happy Feet, Mission Impossible (this is just an example and imo please dont take it as "fact"). To my mind a decent transfer on either format is easily noticable when compared to even a upscaled dvd - but I watch from about 7ft away the further you go back the less likely it is that you will notice much difference.

In my opinion what currently gives BR the edge is in sound reporduction, uncompressed audio sounds phenomenal to me and this is where hd-dvd lets itself down sometimes with a "standard" 5.1 DD/DTS soundtrack on some discs. I believe EVERY single BR has uncompressed audio and some have Dolby TrueHD / DTS Master Audio (when we are able to use these to their fullest) but be aware that to get the best audio with the ps3 you need an audio amp which feeds everything via hdmi (for more information go to avforums webby)

The PS3 is just bliss to use (make sure you get the most current update of the firmware, 1.80 had improvements for me and I think its upto 1.82 now). In standby you just need to nudge a disc into the slot for it to turn on and spin up /load the trailers or menu straight away - some BR's are tending to take longer due to more advanced features but this will improve with further firmware updates Im sure. From an ease of use point of view I think this is just excellent and something Tosh need to work on. The remote controll is extra for the PS3 (about £20) and being bluetooth there are good and bad points (good = no line of sight required, bad= multi remotes cant be programmed)

Toshiba Hd-E1 , whiest playing a movie you wont notice any difference to the above, but loading a disc is a real pain!! You may think its a small thing but to wait a minute after turning the machine on before you can even eject the drawer really becomes a pain and I cant see any reason why Tosh released it in this state. This is the only way I think they dropped the ball. Other than that its a good amchine and worthy of the money.

From the format war in general.....well this is my perception so it may not be factual but after actiively looking at both formats for a few months it seems to me that HD-DVD group relase a huge bunch of discs at once and then go quit for a while - BR however seem to release fewer more frequently. Each to their own as to which you prefer but I think its worth noting none the less.

In general I think the war will continue for some time - its still a pretty tiny market, with few people really interested. It depends heavily I think on how this winter goes (07/08) on the supple of cheaper stand alone machines from both sides and killer discs on which ever format. Also of course any impending price drop of the PS3 and how the games software scene of that improves (ie with more games availabel will drive hardware sales - especially with a price drop, which could well then persuade more film companies to speed up the release of hd transfers)

I have also tried the HD drive for the X360 and didnt get on with it that well (via a shuttle pc, Power DVD just never wanted to work well, and audio options were limited to standard 5.1)

Its a huge investment (with a Sammy tv) and you have to really like movies to make it worth while. I am happy with both my purchases but I do admit to checking BR releases first (or in the case of dual release, if the waiting time is significant)
Thats a good read thanks for that. I would like to hear from someone who has both the HD DVD 360 drive and a ps3 as its probably a better comparison for us. Its nice to hear from someone who's experienced both formats though.
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