Tempted to buy a PS3 and HDTV...

It's a really nice piece of kit but lacking in the games department right now, but then so was 360 for a good 18mths after release.

Wait until the new model with 80GB HD, rumble pad etc.
Dutch Guy said:
Can anyone advise me at all?
is there a big scene for PS3 yet?
Are the graphics going to look good on a HDTV at 32" @ 720p
Any better than what I currently have?
Am I really missing out?
Is it going to be worth me spending £1000ish?
Yes a lot!
No, I'd just get *** HDTV and get the PS3 when anything good comes out.

And to the "clever" people stating when decent 360 games came along... what the holy hell is the point? All that matters are what games are out now, price and what games are out in the future :rolleyes:
Andybtsn said:

The only funny thing about this thread, is how someone can over react to someone making a helpful spelling correction. Oh noes someone corrected a spelling mistake, grammar nazi one!!!one!!!one!
I popped over to hong Kong in march and picked up 3 jap (yeap I said jap) PS3 20Gb ones for £184 each. Beat that Sony Europe you robbing basta!ds.

Of course I sold 2 on eBay so I got mine for free almost free.

Is the PS 3 any good. hum yes and no. Graphics are great when programmed well games like HD grand turmiso demo. everything else is only OK.

They aren't many games coming that the xbox doesn't have. Only one is metal gear solid 4 and I believe that is going to be coming to the xbox too. I'm sure that will be announced at e3 tomorrow.

Would I pay £425 for one? No. Would I pay £325? No. But I would pay £280 with a game yes maybe if they game some bloody AAA +++ games before its to late.
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i dont know why people cream themselves over the gt HD demo. its crap. the handling is crap, the graphics are ok but those graphics arent gonna happen in a fully fledged racing game with MORE than one car on the track any time soon.

Energize said:
The only funny thing about this thread, is how someone can over react to someone making a helpful spelling correction. Oh noes someone corrected a spelling mistake, grammar nazi one!!!one!!!one!

with all due respect, it wasnt that helpful. it may just have been the way it came across but it really wasnt needed.
the HD grand turismo graphics are to die for. The release date is 2008 but I guess we'll know more at E3.

My advise is to wait a few more months. See how it all pans out. Sony have 2 wars HD-DVD and Xbox 360. If you ask me they have lost the war with the Xbox360 but not to Microsoft but to Nintendo and the Wii. All those casual PS2 gamers have been sucked up by the Wii.

For Sony's sake I hope they win the HD-DVD war else its curtains for them. what else are they the leaders of? TV nope, cameras nope, mobiles nope, not even games console any more.
bertybassett said:
They aren't many games coming that the xbox doesn't have. Only one is metal gear solid 4 and I believe that is going to be coming to the xbox too. I'm sure that will be announced at e3 tomorrow.

Yeah I know I had a real dilemma at the weekend whether to pre-order Lair & Heavenly Sword on for the PS3 or the Xbox??

Funny thing is I couldn't find them for the Xbox, how strange :rolleyes:

Hit your head in Japan??
Edz said:
Yeah I know I had a real dilemma at the weekend whether to pre-order Lair & Heavenly Sword on for the PS3 or the Xbox??

Funny thing is I couldn't find them for the Xbox, how strange :rolleyes:

Hit your head in Japan??

He said there aren't many, he didn't say there aren't any :rolleyes:
Shamikebab said:
He said there aren't many, he didn't say there aren't any :rolleyes:
Really, why did he say only one is MGS4 then?

Last count I'm sure there was 30 odd PS3 exclusives arriving, how many is not many exactly?
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Can anyone advise me at all?

If you want one then get one, they are worth it, unlike what people say on here (probably those that aint even played on one). They come with a wireless card in them, a 60GB hard drive and your blu ray player, so the price rise over the 360 is kinda justified.

The sixaxis is cleverly implmented into a lot of games, its not the main focus of the game, but its used. For example on COD3 if you want to hit someone with the butt of your gun you give the controller a jerk rather than pressing *** buttons, makes it feel a lot more immersive.

is there a big scene for PS3 yet?

Not huge, but its there. I takes no effort to fill a server online if you set one up. What i like about it is that all the 10 year olds cant afford one, so theres not really that many whiney little &%*^s online with it.

A lot of the games are out on the 360, but personally i prefer them on the PS3, no idea why but i just do. Rainbow 6 Vegas feels like a whole new game compared to the 360 IMO, as does call of duty 3.

Are the graphics going to look good on a HDTV at 32" @ 720p

In short, yes. I find the graphics slightly better than the 360, but not by much.

Any better than what I currently have?

Cant sure as ive not used your setup

Am I really missing out?

Not sure, depends on what you play really. They are brilliant machines, and if you will use the blu ray player they are all *** more worth the purchase.

Is it going to be worth me spending £1000ish?

To me it was. I bought a 360, PS3 and HDTV and its been worth the money as its what i would have spent in PC upgrades anyways.
I agree with Stelios's comments, I belive it is a good purchase. I also own a 360 and have since launch day and think it's a great console in it's own right.

I also have had a PS3 since launch and don't regret it one bit, people will say there's a lack of games but I would disagree, the two main launch titles Motorstorm and Resistance are in my opinion anyway great games.

The 60gb drive and Blu-ray are very welcome addtions as is the built in wireless, tag onto that the fact that you can install Linux on it if you so wish makes it an attractive purchase to lots of people.

It's a lot quieter than the 360, in fact I can hardly hear mine when it's on. I have a 32" HD Lcd and have mine hooked up via HDMI and the graphics look great, just as the 360's do in hi-def.

One thing though if you do decide to purchase one, don't get Genji, most people don't like it and Killzone isn't out yet.

Good luck with your decision.
Edz said:
As for games it really comes down to your personal tastes. Personally I felt the 360 was just to similar to a PC, although a hassle free-ish PC, so if you own a decent spec PC then maybe the 360 doesn't offer you a great deal different? On the flip side if you prefer online gaming and FPS's then I couldn't recommend the PS3 over the 360 as it lacks in this area.

The PS3 is much more like a PC than the Xbox360...
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