TERA release date announced.

21 Jun 2005
3rd May for Europe (1st for NA)


Just putting a few videos up of some Warrior stuff, will update more when I have time

Snow dungeon last boss
Terror Lab Dungeon End Boss
Drake BAM ( BAM = Bad-ass Monster)

What is TERA?

A New Breed of MMO
TERA takes the fight beyond whack-a-mole monotony with enhanced aiming, dodging, and tactical timing to create intense and rewarding combat. Unlike other MMOs, you can use your controller or keyboard and mouse to control the action like never before. With all the depth you expect from a traditional MMO, plus the intense gratification of action combat, TERA changes all the rules.

True Action Combat
Experience an Action MMO beyond "point and click" where skill, position, timing, and aim determine success in combat.

Vast Fantasy World
Play seven character races and eight classes. Battle hundreds of monsters throughout 80+ zones and embark on thousands of quests in a game world rich in history and lore.

Epic Monster Battles
Advanced enemy AI and enormous bosses deliver a more intense and engaging combat experience.

Stunning Graphics
Explore a world filled with breathtaking visuals powered by Unreal Engine 3.

Vibrant Online Community
In a faction-free world, all players can impact the community as well as the social, political, and economic structures of TERA.

Choice of Control
Play with mouse and keyboard or your favorite PC-compatible console controller.

Guilds in TERA

Guild name: DooM
Server: TBC
Guild URL: www.doom-gaming.co.uk
Guilds main focus: PvP with focus on PvE for reason to get the best items.
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Thats good news.

Looked at this quite a bit early last year, but have not paid much attention lately.

The political pvp system always looked quite good.

Bring on the cuddly Bear people with whooping huuggeee swords :D
Removed original post as I apparently fail at the internets :(

Hope this game does come out, I want to grief people y'all!
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I love it when people read the threads before posting.

Or you love it when I have this thread open in my browser when the last reply was nothing related to the above so I post without refreshing? Sorry I fail at the internet and can't be epic like you. This is not a flame just more of a tongue in cheek comment.
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Or you love it when I have this thread open in my browser when the last reply was nothing related to the above so I post without refreshing? Sorry I fail at the internet and can't be epic like you. This is not a flame just more of a tongue in cheek comment.

I'm pretty sure most people are "epic" enough to notice replies that are 7 and a half hours old before posting.

As such, no need to be overly defensive.
On another note, I'm wondering if GW2 will be out at around the same time as TERA which is why they're doing this.
Removed original post.
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It's a very interesting move though by NCSoft, I mean the game as been out in Korean for nearly a year now and nothing has ever been mentioned in regards to something like this at least not to the public anyway, I still think it's to do with the release of GW2.
It seems pretty OTT of them, yeah. I can see their point and I'm sure there is some truth to what they're saying (employees leaving and taking ideas, possibly code/content with them) but at the end of the day it all seems a bit tantrum-y of NCSoft.
I brought the pre-order which gives you access to all betas so I can try it out tomorrow, but the sub prices probably the most expensive I've seen for an mmo.

1 month – €12.99 = £10.81
3 months – €35.97 (3 x €11.99) = £29.94
6 months – €65.94 (6 x 10.99) = £54.88
12 months – €119.88 (12 x €9.99) = £99.78
I brought the pre-order which gives you access to all betas so I can try it out tomorrow, but the sub prices probably the most expensive I've seen for an mmo.

1 month – €12.99 = £10.81
3 months – €35.97 (3 x €11.99) = £29.94
6 months – €65.94 (6 x 10.99) = £54.88
12 months – €119.88 (12 x €9.99) = £99.78

next beta is feb 10th
Played quite a few MMO's in my time and sunk a lot of time into WoW. Havent played WoW since Cataclysm. Been following Tera for a while, tempted to buy into the Beta - problem is i'm not sure if i'm still burnt out on MMO's or this could reinvigorate the genre for me.
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