TERA release date announced.

Yeah I mostly got it for the Village atlas, allows you to teleport anywhere on the map, really nice. But everything else is good too, 100% boost daily and strongbox keys which got me like 15k gold from selling stuff inside them, mount at level 1 etc.

If you're just interested in char slots though try find a retail copy and register the code, will get founder then.
I don't think you can get US Tera codes anymore ? I've seen EU ones all over the place but they register on the Euro site.

I'll prolly just grab a char expansion or two and maybe elite for a month see how it goes.
It'll be plain sailing in terms of difficulty right upto Lv54 as soon as you hit Val Elenium (Elenea) - a large desert area. Then you will slam into a wall until Lv57. That area has horribly hard hitting mobs with a ton of XP and pretty much every class struggles there until you outlevel the mobs there.

Tera is an incredibly easy game to level up in compared to most mmo's. More now than ever since mobs drop hp and mana regen motes during combat.
Depends what you mean by easy, easy to kill things and do quest yeah, but not easy to gain levels as it takes a lot of time. I got the 80 in GW2 and 50 in rift faster than I have in tera.

Guess it'll be easier when I eventually make an alt as I can buy gear/xpboots to grind BAMs, but first time its not so easy.
Easy to level up I mean.

If you just stick to side quests and keep up with your main quests you will level up horribly quick with a melee class. The main quests offer shedloads of XP and roughly ok gear as rewards too. My main Lancer leveled up to 60 in about a month and this was me playing just a few hours a day and a lot during weekends.

The main thing is not to concentrate and waste time on the now dumbed down bams but just focus on quests/exploring and gathering. The latter you should easily max out to 300 by Lv60 and the buffs you get help a lot, even though their description seems to state otherwise.
Fair enough, I heard BAMs are much faster though.

I really disagree that its easy to level up though, you said you played a few hours a day and got to 60 in a month, I got to 80 on GW2 in like 6 days. I can get to max on WoW over 3-4 days so its quite a long time compared to other MMO's.
I used to. I was in the korean beta and played it also on release + a bit when it went free.
I really like the style of play, but the grind is horrendous not just for leveling, but also for crafting.
plus if I remember correctly the EU version is done by a different server operator and many of the features that are in korea/america are disabled.
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