TERA release date announced.

Ill be getting this when it comes out, despite the doggies and the big breasted warrior cliches - whats the pre order cost?
I bought the Collectors Edition worked out at £51 converted from 59.99 euros.

I think the normal edition is around £40 which is again around 49.99 euros.

Only just foudn out the Beta was on lol
Was a bit annoyed at the whole non start sneak peek lol

Cant get into the server :(

EDIT: Preordered my EU version CE for £39.99
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10-12 Feb I only just found out lol

I've ended up with an en-masse account and a tera-europe account, both with the same email/pass but with different beta codes :/

I'm gonna have to email them I think lol
Bought the beta trial thing for £5. Going to try it as it looks interesting but I don't think I will buy it especially if Guild Wars 2 Beta's are going around then as well.

I have the client from the sneek peak weekend and the account for it.
The account I created yesterday on en-masse confused me so I emailed them.

En-masse is the yank on with the other being the Euro one.
I don't even know if I have the right client now :(

Is rift free 2 play now?

EDIT: Looking hopefull client is patching :)
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You'll know if it is the right client, if it shows in the top left as tera-europe.com if it does not you have the American one.
I bought the Collectors Edition worked out at £51 converted from 59.99 euros.

I think the normal edition is around £40 which is again around 49.99 euros.

CE is £40 on amazon :p

Retail CE's don't give you beta access? That is a bit sucky.
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I don't really care for the discs, just nice to have the box/artwork etc.

Torn now as I really want the sneak peek betas.
Think I may have a look at this quite like the way the combat system works.

Think there very may well be Immortal guild on here ... most Ocuk'ers welcome :p
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