TERA release date announced.

21 Jun 2005
3rd May for Europe (1st for NA)


Just putting a few videos up of some Warrior stuff, will update more when I have time

Snow dungeon last boss
Terror Lab Dungeon End Boss
Drake BAM ( BAM = Bad-ass Monster)

What is TERA?

A New Breed of MMO
TERA takes the fight beyond whack-a-mole monotony with enhanced aiming, dodging, and tactical timing to create intense and rewarding combat. Unlike other MMOs, you can use your controller or keyboard and mouse to control the action like never before. With all the depth you expect from a traditional MMO, plus the intense gratification of action combat, TERA changes all the rules.

True Action Combat
Experience an Action MMO beyond "point and click" where skill, position, timing, and aim determine success in combat.

Vast Fantasy World
Play seven character races and eight classes. Battle hundreds of monsters throughout 80+ zones and embark on thousands of quests in a game world rich in history and lore.

Epic Monster Battles
Advanced enemy AI and enormous bosses deliver a more intense and engaging combat experience.

Stunning Graphics
Explore a world filled with breathtaking visuals powered by Unreal Engine 3.

Vibrant Online Community
In a faction-free world, all players can impact the community as well as the social, political, and economic structures of TERA.

Choice of Control
Play with mouse and keyboard or your favorite PC-compatible console controller.

Guilds in TERA

Guild name: DooM
Server: TBC
Guild URL: www.doom-gaming.co.uk
Guilds main focus: PvP with focus on PvE for reason to get the best items.
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Removed original post as I apparently fail at the internets :(

Hope this game does come out, I want to grief people y'all!
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I love it when people read the threads before posting.

Or you love it when I have this thread open in my browser when the last reply was nothing related to the above so I post without refreshing? Sorry I fail at the internet and can't be epic like you. This is not a flame just more of a tongue in cheek comment.
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On another note, I'm wondering if GW2 will be out at around the same time as TERA which is why they're doing this.
Removed original post.
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It's a very interesting move though by NCSoft, I mean the game as been out in Korean for nearly a year now and nothing has ever been mentioned in regards to something like this at least not to the public anyway, I still think it's to do with the release of GW2.
wasn't really a grind to level 21 but waiting to see a beta that doesn't have a level cap , aion was the same until level 40 when it was a grindfest

Grindfest? Aion was easy to level.. 49-50 getting 5% a hour grinding is easy! Anyway everyone has their own view on what grinding is and isn't just giving my view.

About the PvP


PK is short for “Player Kill,” and works exactly like it sounds. At level 11 (on PvP servers only) you obtain a skill that lets you declare yourself an “outlaw.” You can then try to kill any player above level 11. However, when you are an outlaw, any player can try to kill you as well.

Guild vs. Guild
The ultimate kind of PvP is server-wide Guild vs Guild battles. Duels and Deathmatches have their place, but being able to attack opposing guild members on sight takes TERA combat to another level. Only a guild leader can start a battle (and only on a PvP server), but it will take every member doing their part to finish one!

Once started, Guild vs. Guild battles last until 24 hours have passed, one guild scores a set amount of points, or until one guild’s leader forfeits. Your guild can be involved in up to three battles at once, but once a battle is finished you must wait a while before fighting that guild again. Both starting and forfeiting a Guild vs. Guild battle require a special item available form vendors in major cities.

Where Can I Fight?

Duels and Deathmatches have no area restrictions. For PK and Guild vs. Guild, you’ll need to pay attention to where you are fighting and on what server. Surrounding your compass map are icons that give you information about the area you’re in, and if you’re in a zone or area that allows PvP.
=pvp zone
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did you play at release ? because I thought it was very grindy then but I hear they did change afterwards
Yes mate, one of the first to hit level 50 on it. I've mainly played Korean games and Aion was relatively easy compared to some of them. Ragnarok online for one of the levels took 5 hours to get 1% and you lost that 1% if you died :(
My kinda game then cHk4, proper open world PVP. That's some good ****.

I don't understand the problems with the Elin's all Korean games have races like this in the game. It's because they all love Anime and all that over there, it's never been a problem in the past.

I think it's a little weird, but in the end it doesn't really bother me.

Not going to lie I only got to level 20 in K-Retail but from the translations the PvP did sound like it was going to be poor but agree with you with what I've read from the above it sounds very very good and exactly what I'm looking for.

I'm not too fussed about the Elin's if I'm honest, all I care about is killing people :D
I will say one thing, I think the game gets much better after the tutorial island. I think I'm bored of the tutorial island as I've now done it about 10 times -.-
The Korean art style is sometimes painful. The looks of the races are so effeminate its bordering on pedophilia. In fact during the peek event there was a guy running around as one of the cutsie little furry bear race (I forget their name) called "Paedo Bear". That about sums it up really.

Must logon as soon as the game comes up in retail to take this name, that is epic.
Really looking forward to TERA. For those of you who have played beta, is the control system really as good as it looks? I'm curious as to how you change between skills whilst your left hand is on WASD and your right hand is controlling the mouse?

The numbers mate, you activate them then click, some you paint the target and press space to activate. If that makes sense.
It's a lot easier to level than Aion when it was first released but not as easy as Starwars. Overall still easy to level.
TERA seem to be copying EVE in an attempt to combat RMT which imo is a fantastic idea
The whole process starts by adding a new item to the game, called chronoscrolls. Players can use these items to extend game time. One chronoscroll is worth one-month’s game subscription. You’ll be able to buy chronoscrolls directly from our website and have the item delivered to your character’s inventory. These scrolls can either be used to extend the time you’ll be able to play TERA or you can trade them against gold with other players.

thats a terrible idea it will create inflation unless you lose all your items when you die.

I can see your point as in EVE you could drop items/lose stuff. This though can't you lose your gems when you die/get pked? I could be mistaken of this.

I still think it's a good idea regardless, it means people don't have to pay to play monthly if they don't want to which for some reasons puts people off a game also if you need a bit of cash you can sell one of these to get money without the worry of getting banned going down the RMT route, it's going to cost a mini fortune to upgrade end game items from +6-+12 so think it will be needed.
Any confirmation of them sending beta codes? Frogster/Ubi seem to be handling retail very poorly. Amazon are clueless to key handouts, as are Play. Amazon US deliver a beta key within minutes of your Pre order.
Not sure mate but never heard anything bad about shopto. Frog/Ubi are handing retail porr you're right there.
Been dying to play this game for a while since I learnt beta invites were being sent out. Unluckily however I haven't received an invite ... just like every other beta I have applied for so far.

Haven't really looked into it much but how does this game change the holy trinity? I hear that's one of the main selling points.

You can pre order the game for £5 which gets you in to every beta.

It's good and defo a breath of fresh air in the way the combat works.
This looks interesting.

After Star Wars turned out to be fairly gutless and run of the mill, this may be considerably more entertaining.

The developers are surely going to be concerned though considering how easily a huge MMO (pre-release popularity and budget wise) like SWTOR fell flat on its face.
Thing is it's a Korean style game and they have a big following, not as big as normal Western type games but still you have the dedicated fan base. It's gone and done something new which is also good and it works really well.

DO shopto charge on preorder or on shipment?
Nope once you pre order that's it. You can pay for it though if you want.
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