Terminator: Dark Fate

i'm kinda baffled how a production like this w/ cameron attached could be denied budget for "ropey" CGI on a project that was lauded so hugely, surely the studios would have/could have hoyed more cash at it to bring it up to par? unless of course they saw early versions and thought the film wasn't worth it.

Well their budget was just under 200 million so they had the money, just seems that it only looked right in certain situations. Similar to Tarkin in rogue one, some scenes he looked fine, others he looked off.

Think it was MPC that did the effects for genisys so might have been better to go with them as their young Arnold was really well done.

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Wow that incredible. I always assumed they took a human in a blue suit or Arnie and deaged him, not that he was completely fake. I never would have guessed that.
I thought they tried having a body double of someone of a similar size to arnie in his hayday?

They did but the framing etc wasn't right to make the shots the same as in the original movie so it was basically all scrapped and redone.

It's talked about in this video that more or less the entire thing was redone in cg.

And if you compare that to ilm's efforts in 2009

Which is really only a cg face and some of the chest, originally you were only going to see his face for a brief moment when the camera pans up after the door gets punched off, the plan was to have Bale shoot its face off (that was assuming the cg face was a bit iffy in close), but it turned out better than expected so was used in a few more shots. The throwinator wasn't nearly as convincing despite being a real person with a composited face.
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I'm watching this tonight, but I watched the first 5 mins last night. How? I mean, how did they film that?

While Arnie looked a little "off", almost like a "look-a-like" was used rather than being CGI, Sarah and John looked absolutely amazing, the best de-aging/face replacement I've ever seen in film. The rest of the film however was, as a life long Terminator fan, not worth seeing.

It's effectively a full reboot and should have been created that way, rather than dragging Linda and Arnie back as a way to trick the fans of the "old" franchise into being invested in what the Studio hoped would be a "new" Terminator franchise, which everyone knew would fail as the Studio forgot what made people fans in the first place, so the attempt at a "new" franchise has failed already, due to how big of a flop this film was.
The first 2/3 of the film was really good and very much like Original T and T2, the final 3rd with the plane scene and dam scene was a little meh and more like T3

Overall it was quite good though much less woke and much better written than expected
While Arnie looked a little "off", almost like a "look-a-like" was used rather than being CGI, Sarah and John looked absolutely amazing, the best de-aging/face replacement I've ever seen in film.

I think that was down to him having stubble for whatever reason in the opening, he's always been clean shaven as the young t-800 so it was something that immediately looked different. Think the face was also slightly on the narrow side.

Watched this last night, as expected thought it was mostly horse manure. Trying to think of a redeeming feature tbh.....? Nope, can't think of one.

Terminator, along with the likes of Aliens and Predator desperately need to be allowed to rest in peace. There are and have been classics in the series but at this stage they're definitely the minority.

Predator, Pedator 2, Alien, Aliens, T1 and 2 are all great. The rest are ****.
It was the second attempt to start a new trilogy, suppose technically the third attempt as Salvation was also trying to start a new trilogy.

I'm sad to say that I don't think Hollywood currently has either directors with the right creative vision, actors with the required ability or studios with a good enough corporate attitude towards the Franchise to truly make a decent Terminator film trilogy. I mean it still makes a little money so studios will continue to bleed the fanbase dry of all money by releasing more failed "reboots" but if a good one was to be made I think it'd have to be by someone/studio "out of left field" rather than any of the current crop of Hollywood setups.
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