Still haven't placed a pre-order for this game. Played the new demo briefly on the motorbike. I think it may just be that there have been way too many racing/car games in the short lifespan of the 360 whcih is stopping me from enjoying this game.
We have already had PGR3, NFS, RR6, and I'm sure there is one more I am missing. All different games, but racers, all the same.
I can see myself enjoying it over the long term, but I seriously reckon after a couple of months not many ppl will be playing this online. Which will just leave you to do offline races and challenges.
The SR demo was a much bigger disappointment than TDU, yet I can still see myself having more fun on SR. Dead Rising just seemed boring, hack and slash, hack and slash, and more hack and slash. And graphically it didnt impress me much either.
Of the three I will definitely get SR, am wavering on TDU as ppl are pulling out of this TDU cars club faster than a rude joke about a prostitute. Dead Rising will definitely be one to rent as its single player only.
I never bother ordering games months in advance. I mean, seriously, when was the last time a game was sold out on release day!!! I just order about 3 days before release date to ensure one on the actual day.
Prefer to do that then say "OMG this is F'ing awesome I am gonna pre-order it 3 months in advance and sign up for loads of tournaments/clubs etc" and then end up "pulling out early"
I am sure MS will stop doing demos of games soon as recently most of their demos before release date have been sub standard, or made people realise the game they want is not going to be as good as they thought and cancelled orders.
p.s. I still think that Gears of War is going to be the biggest disappointment of the year on 360. (I know this will be an unpopular opinion).
a) Too much hype. Do MS think a single FPS game will overshadow the PS3 release?
b) Another FPS on 360 (PDZ, COD2, Q4, BF2:MC etc)
c) No demo to be released, what are they hiding? (bad framerate, lack of AA etc, all sounds a bit too familiar...).
d) As yet I have not even seen any proper HD gameplay footage that hasn't been a camcorder recording of a large screen at a gameshow.
edit: most of this is not even relevant to this thread!!!