Test Drive unlimited Beta sign up live ...

MoNkEyMiKeY said:
If you had asked earlier today I could have sent a copy to you on disc through the post and it would have arrived tomorrow.

Can i get a copy sent on disc? I'll even pay for the postage and the CD if you want!

My ISP has been really crappy lately, downloads have been going at 50kb/s max! :(
MoNkEyMiKeY said:
If you had asked earlier today I could have sent a copy to you on disc through the post and it would have arrived tomorrow.

Do you think you could still do that? I dont mind if you use 2nd class (whatever is cheapest for you).

I'd appreciate it if you could however no worries if you dont want to / cant.
Will be out tommorow stellios, I was lucky & my friend is still a subscriber so he gave me his key.

Been playing tonight with my steering wheel i don't think it's as good as GTR2 or NFS:C with it, but it's still a very good game non the less i will try it with my controller tommorow to see how that goes instead. It's so vast in size it's unbelieveable. Running medium settings & 4xAA with a E6300 C2D, 1gb pc4000 DDR & a 6800GT it runs like a dream.

I was getting random restarts before so if anyone has that problem then just make sure the .exe is running on one core instead of 2 that seemed to solve my problems :)

Will look forward to seeing a few of you out there tommorow for some testing bed time now though.

Ohhh yeah my name is Mattey3 on the game :)
Ahh cheers :)

Graphically it looks better than the 360 on the PC, but it seems like the sort of game that is too arcadey for a wheel, yet too responsive for a keboard. I just love the free runs on it, its so easy to just hop into a big muscle car and cruise for the entire night.
Mortster said:
hi guys.

is there a day/night cycle in the game?

Nope, it goes from sunrise to sunset.

I have created a club called TDU-UK, i've set the level required to rookie, so you should be able to join at your nearest club. My ingame name is Der4ng3d.
Sorry, haven't really been keeping up to speed with this.

What's the dealy for non Fileplanet subscribers?

Do I just wait until some point todat/tomorrow for a download link to appear, or will I need some sort of key from somewhere ?
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