Tests booked.....Any advice?

unfortunately matey, I agree with 4T5... I tend to be nice as pie when I'm not happy so that I don't wind people up and get what I actually want. It;'sonly when I hear bullsheet that i start to slap people.

In this instance, the fact is, you did inspect the bike yourself, and have now picked up on stuff that you didn't originally, it happens... it's like buying cars, they look mint when covered in 3mm of wax lol and all bumpers blackened then as you wash them you pick up on all the things wrong with it. You did noticed the crack but didn't notice the indicator problem, at the end fo the day, it's not the dealers fault. Yes, a good dealer would've probably told you everything wrong with it BUT you do have to inspect these closely yourself... was it a bit rushed your inspection?

EDIT: just read your post above... ok, well, see what he says, BUT if he requests payment on things that should've been picked up in MOT or weren't stated in advert then I'd refuse top pay and this is where it'll get tricky. Whos' the dealer?
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Didn't notice the crack no as the crack is actually on the inside of the fairing. As I've already said I've been friendly and amicable throughout the entire process as being an arse tends to get you no where.

I had a quick look over the tyre's and couldn't see any defects or things stuck in it but it was a very quick look this morning. Dealers have the right to INSPECT the bike but not to get the issues fixed UNLESS you agree to it (which i find a tad bizarre as you could be a real awkward git and refuse to let them fix it causing a stalemate).

I did the inspection as best as I could but not knowing ANYTHING and having no one but my girlfriend who knows even less than myself with me I'll admit I don't know what I was looking at most of the time. I even admitted too him it was my first bike and had only passed my test that morning and he suggested that SV out of the 3 he had due to the service and work done to it only 200 miles ago. He is also lying about not having time/chance to do an inspection as we left the bike with him for over an hour while he got a crack on it plastic welded yet did not check it then. I havent mentioned that too him but there we go.

Dealer is Budget Bikes in Swindon and he has agreed to pay for the engine and gearbox things as they have a 3 month warranty of those parts, He is getting the fairing plastic welded which should fix that (in all honesty I'm not fussed about the look of the bike as its my first one and im GOING to drop it at some point) What does concern me is what else may come up in the immediate future. He has said if I make a list he will get all the things looked at if its reasonable so he is being accommodating already, he just got very shirty when I mentioned my options on a refund.
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Ok furrymuff matey, I'd also check the oil colour to make sure he has done that service that they reckon it's had.... did they do the MOT? It might be worth possibly taking it for an MOT elsewhere just to see if it is safe as to me, there's a few too many questions here... as far as I'm concerned I'd expect them to fully service, MOT and take of the bike... body work yeah that's different as can be costly and should be reflected in a knock down price... however to me, Id' be a little unsure as to whether that's TRUELY safe to ride from what you're saying... and it'd be interesting to see what another garage said? All money though so fair enough...
Yeah they got it MOT'd 5 days prior to me picking it up so the dealer said he was surprised anything was going on with it. Ill be taking it in for someone to look at AFTER he has done the work. Ill give them the list of things that it has supposedly had done and get them to check it. The service was done a year ago and it has only done 200 mile in that time, Ill be getting my own service on it done once all this **** has been sorted. It was actually booked in for a carb clean and a service for this weekend but the dealer insisted £300 for both of those combined was too much and he can get it done cheaper so he wants his guys to look at it.

I'm quite anxious about it being road safe as i'm doing 76 mile a day on it to and from work (Dunstable to London)
Yeah they got it MOT'd 5 days prior to me picking it up so the dealer said he was surprised anything was going on with it. Ill be taking it in for someone to look at AFTER he has done the work. Ill give them the list of things that it has supposedly had done and get them to check it. The service was done a year ago and it has only done 200 mile in that time, Ill be getting my own service on it done once all this **** has been sorted. It was actually booked in for a carb clean and a service for this weekend but the dealer insisted £300 for both of those combined was too much and he can get it done cheaper so he wants his guys to look at it.

I'm quite anxious about it being road safe as i'm doing 76 mile a day on it to and from work (Dunstable to London)

Agreed mate, the No.1 Priority is it's safe. marks and bits and bobs can be fixed as and when, what you want to know is, all major bolts are safe, no play in steering brakes etc etc etc... and from what I'm hearing, I'd have that in the back of my mind... I'm about to do a first ever service on a biek myself, just ordered plugs, oil and air filter and brake fluid etc and I've got me haynes manual and gonna do it all myself. Done 2k miles on it since I bought and it'd had it's service before I bought, but there's just something I want to do myself. get into the habit and make sure it's 100%

let us know how you get on mate.
Aye ill be getting it serviced by a garage soon and then myself next year... just buying all the tools. bobbins and stands over the next few months to learn how to do all this myself. will be better when I have a garage to do all this in as well.

Just for the advice.
Do you have a mate that has a bike license or are you near one of us so we can give it a once over/test ride ?
Yeah but that's the problem I do not live near any of them anymore. Currently living in Houghton Regis so if anyone is near there let me know. Dropping bike back to Swindon tomorrow midday ish
Sounds to me like you didn't give it a good enough looking over / test ride before buying. Only checking the tyres after buying and someone on here mentioned it. Hope it gets sorted though.
Sounds to me like you didn't give it a good enough looking over / test ride before buying. Only checking the tyres after buying and someone on here mentioned it. Hope it gets sorted though.

Took it out for about 15 minutes in a town I didn't know on roads only doing 30/40 so couldnt really give it a proper run in and already stated I checked it as best as a complete novice with no experience could...anyway

Just got a phone call from him and he has said that nearly all the problems I've been having have been fixed apart from the backfiring/popping for 2 reasons #1 the bike has been mapped (or some such) to an aftermarket exhaust and he has said he has a Scorpion end can there that he can get put on the bike which should solve the issue and #2 SV650s ALWAYS pop when you shut them off due to the face they are Vtwin engines its just the nature of the beast but mine does pop more than he would expect.
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