TF2 - ocuk clan Try number 2? <3

Possible to fix the name? Scares people off.

Also a new wave of kick-abilty admins would be appreciated, the origianls have dissapered :p
Tried to get on just now and i got kicked with the message "pure server - extr". I'm assuming there was more to the message but it wasn't visable in the message box.

I've played on a mariokart and some generic "orange" server since my last round on our server, so i'm guessing those files are blocking me. Where would i find them?


sorted it, just went into the folder and deleted anything that had been made with todays date stamp on it.
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damn, this is embarrasing, as there was no begger on the sever tonight (until dampcat showed up 20 minutes ago!) i didn't get todays fire spitter award. :(
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