TF2 - ocuk clan Try number 2? <3

Just started playing TF2 properly after dragging myself away from warcrack. Had a blast on the OcUK server tonight. Enjoyed it - seems very popular already!

Can anyone point me in the direction of a list of the unlockable upgrades? I'm having problems finding which achievements I need to get them.


I just read the Acheivements screen inside TF2, it tells you in there what you need to do to get unlocks
Just started playing TF2 properly after dragging myself away from warcrack. Had a blast on the OcUK server tonight. Enjoyed it - seems very popular already!

Can anyone point me in the direction of a list of the unlockable upgrades? I'm having problems finding which achievements I need to get them.


add ** OcUK tags dude, so we can all mock you! :)
Back from Gran canaria finally (airlines + bankrupt = :/).

So some TF2 love tonight. Tried playing last night but the HDD it is installed on is clunking badly and woould not let it load, so seems it is dieing. Have installed it on my other drive so hopefully will be pwning your noob asses up tonight.

If you need a medic or an assault engi then Il be there ready and waiting :D

lol you got owned by XL?
I don't have another OS to use and i don't really want to use another(I'm on 32bitVista Home premium), to be more specific my problems are:
Takes ages to load up and when it does if i click the mouse of the valve bit it crashes.
When changing graphical settings and pressing apply crashes every time.
Servers take ages to load due to the game freezing for about 60 seconds on the loading bit
Crashes quite often during game but usually withing the first minute, if it lasts that long if dosen't crash.
And just a general gripe is that the game dosen't use Dual Core/Quad and matt queue crashes instantly so i get bad FPS

As you can see unstable for me

updated windows and all your drivers lately?
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