TF2 - ocuk clan Try number 2? <3

Nice to see new people on there, Naf :)

I may not be on tonight as I have Red Alert 3 on my desk beside me, but will pop on if its busy.
There was an engy with the gun but I couldn't take him on without the sentry killing me. I'm quite surprised they can repair as quickly as the rockets can damage, especially my initial volley of four which had a crit mixed in it.
Situations like that you just have to aim somewhere where they'll get hit by splash damage, take out either them or the dispenser. It's pointless trying to take out a sentry as soldier if an engineer is repairing it.
Nice to see new people on there, Naf :)

I may not be on tonight as I have Red Alert 3 on my desk beside me, but will pop on if its busy.

I'd been meaning to have a look on for a while but never got round to it

I might be on later, but then am going away for the weekend

Likewise will probably be on RA3 next when I get chance (need to buy it first though)
I'm guessing it's because servers cost money and we aren't a reliable enough mob to make it worth keeping the server running.
im leaving my job next month because I hate it with a passion and it made me misserable. I am going to start teacher training next year. So, from now until next septemember I'm going to find temp/part-time work.

As I'm going to be unemployed I cant afford to waste money now so the server has been cut.
That's a shame :( They do cost, especially if you go with a company that doesn't overload their servers. However, you're all welcome to play on our server:
Uberium - UK Public Server - Vanilla TF2

Or you can add:
to your favourites, for the same effect :) We try to fill up in the afternoons, but it's usually full from 5pm til late. There's ~10 of us that donate to maintain the community so the prices per member are pretty low. Thankfully!
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That's a shame :( They do cost, especially if you go with a company that doesn't overload their servers. However, you're all welcome to play on our server:
Uberium - UK Public Server - Vanilla TF2

Or you can add:
to your favourites, for the same effect :) We try to fill up in the afternoons, but it's usually full from 5pm til late. There's ~10 of us that donate to maintain the community so the prices per member are pretty low. Thankfully!

I'll take a look :)

Out of curiosty, how much was the server costing Oxy. I really enjoyed playing with the OcUK crowd...
I'll take a look :)

Out of curiosty, how much was the server costing Oxy. I really enjoyed playing with the OcUK crowd...

Indeed! Surely between us we can get some sort of money together to keep an OcUK server up and running, how much is a server ? Maybe even create a proper match clan :O
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