TF2 - ocuk clan Try number 2? <3

Demo wouldn't work in the situation i was in, it was on steel attacking from the very back of the corridor from A-B, I couldn't get the stickies to the target because of the roof, needed an uber but no one was team playing, mind you it was quite late.
There was an engy with the gun but I couldn't take him on without the sentry killing me. I'm quite surprised they can repair as quickly as the rockets can damage, especially my initial volley of four which had a crit mixed in it.

Crits don't increase the damage to a sentry over normal rockets, plus you do know that rocket damage decreases with the great distance they have travelled.

You have to learn to pop out and go for the engi/disp before it locks onto you, then when you pop out the 2nd time it will fire at you. Pop in again until the rockets are by (whilst reloading 2 more rockets) then pop out again and repeat.

Hopefully you will take them down or your team will help out, but most likely the enemy team will come get you.

My advice as a soldier is don't aim for people, aim where they are most likely to be after you have fired the rocket. Close up you should aim at the floor or rocket jump and rain death from above, or at long distances remeber the long travel time of the rockets, so fire about 20 ft infront of wher the enemy is running to.
I didn't know rocket damage reduced with range or that crits didnt effect sentries, I'll keep that in mind for future. Looking back I would have been better going Sniper and shooting the engy and then chipping away at the sentry. I don't think it would have made any difference, the main problem was they were team playing and we were running around like headless chickens, never mind.
I didn't know rocket damage reduced with range or that crits didnt effect sentries, I'll keep that in mind for future. Looking back I would have been better going Sniper and shooting the engy and then chipping away at the sentry. I don't think it would have made any difference, the main problem was they were team playing and we were running around like headless chickens, never mind.

Ahh welcome to the glorious world of tf2 :D

It takes practise and learning where you can peak and not be shot at by sentries, how to annoy people, and where to hide whilst being able to fire out stickeies or rockets to really hurt the other team.

Plus on defence maps like goldrush attack can be the best form of the defence, as you don't want them getting teleporters or sentries up near the final control point.

It's great fun, but a bad team will be full of people playing to top the scoreboard, as in loads of snipers and spies on a blu team attacking needing to push the cart :rolleyes:

I normally try a few servers out before I am totally happy with a team, but the GTFO goldrush server is usually pretty good.
I will be, not enjoying the game on my current rig though (3ghz HT and 1gig of DDR1), even with everything turned down low :(
I do hate the sentries, mainly because as soon as i put one up it gets knocked down and I really struggle as a spy.

Takes me about 10 seconds to get a sapper to go on, others spys just run up slapping them on all over.

Games a lot easier with friends to help, when's the OCuk server occupied at the moment?
I know what you mean mate. I've been playing spy a lot recently because I find it the most fun and most rewarding, but I also find it one of the most challenging classes to play, hence why i'm not too great :p

I only just figured out that you can place sappers while invisible, which might be your problem! Very noob-ish from me, but hey i've only been playing a month..... that's my excuse anyway :)
I only just figured out that you can place sappers while invisible, which might be your problem! Very noob-ish from me, but hey i've only been playing a month..... that's my excuse anyway

Since when, I thought that you couldnt, surely its majorly unbalancing if you can?
I think it says a lot about the skill levels in this game when my position on the stats board has actually improved since i stopped playing last week :D
I'm aff it for a few weeks. Too many new console games, then there's Fallout 3 on the PC and I'm going to have to pick up Red Alert 3 for the PC as well.
gg last night, first time I've been on the OCUK server (and first post on the forums woo!)

Good engie teamwork at the beginning of the night (forget the map, there were only 5 or 6 of us though) haha!
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