That moment when you clock the van...

The national speed limit is 60 on that road. Why would it be 70?

He's thinking of a dual carriageway which would be 70, 60 on a single track NSL road.

My view, it's safer to get your overtake done and dusted so yes, I do speed when I overtake as it's easy to in a powerful car, I'm not paying much attention the the clocks I'm looking at the road, certainly wouldn't get to 113mph however, I also wouldn't overtake a car going green 50-60 on a nsl.

I detest people who frown apon overtaking however, it's a part of driving and it's legal so don't flash your lights if you're 3 miles up the road or sat in my car (girl friend) and moan about it.
Does anyone know what the law actually states about overtaking? I overtook someone doing 20 in a 30 zone a few weeks ago and got up to about 50 myself in the process and my gf was having a go at me, a) for overtaking and b) for going too fast whilst doing it (lol). She said that if a copper had seen me I'd have been in trouble. Is it against the law to overtake or something? It's not something I was ever taught whilst learning to drive that's for sure.
Does anyone know what the law actually states about overtaking? I overtook someone doing 20 in a 30 zone a few weeks ago and got up to about 50 myself in the process and my gf was having a go at me, a) for overtaking and b) for going too fast whilst doing it (lol). She said that if a copper had seen me I'd have been in trouble. Is it against the law to overtake or something? It's not something I was ever taught whilst learning to drive that's for sure.

No, it perfectly legal doing 50 in a 30 zone because you were overtaking. They teach you that when you take your bike test apparently.
Does anyone know what the law actually states about overtaking? I overtook someone doing 20 in a 30 zone a few weeks ago and got up to about 50 myself in the process and my gf was having a go at me, a) for overtaking and b) for going too fast whilst doing it (lol). She said that if a copper had seen me I'd have been in trouble. Is it against the law to overtake or something? It's not something I was ever taught whilst learning to drive that's for sure.

Well you were speeding to overtake him without breaking the law you'd have had to pass him at 30 while he was doing his 20 and probably take 2 years making the pass thus endangering the entire population of the world.
Does anyone know what the law actually states about overtaking? I overtook someone doing 20 in a 30 zone a few weeks ago and got up to about 50 myself in the process and my gf was having a go at me, a) for overtaking and b) for going too fast whilst doing it (lol). She said that if a copper had seen me I'd have been in trouble. Is it against the law to overtake or something? It's not something I was ever taught whilst learning to drive that's for sure.


It is absolutely illegal to break the speed limit ever (in the eyes of the law) this applies to overtaking.

Highway code :-


Overtake only when it is safe and legal to do so.

You should not get too close to the vehicle you intend to overtake

Use your mirrors, signal when it is safe to do so, take a quick sideways glance if necessary into the blind spot area and then start to move out

Not assume that you can simply follow a vehicle ahead which is overtaking; there may only be enough room for one vehicle.

Move quickly past the vehicle you are overtaking, once you have started to overtake. Allow plenty of room. Move back to the left as soon as you can but do not cut in.

Take extra care at night and in poor visibility when it is harder to judge speed and distance.

Give way to oncoming vehicles before passing parked vehicles or other obstructions on your side of the road.

Only overtake on the left if the vehicle in front is signalling to turn right, and there is room to do so

Stay in your lane if traffic is moving slowly in queues. If the queue on your right is moving more slowly than you are, you may pass on the left.

Give motorcyclists, cyclists and horse riders at least as much room as you would when overtaking a car (see Rules 211 to 213 and 214 to 215)."

Right here's where people get confused..
"Move quickly past the vehicle you are overtaking, once you have started to overtake. Allow plenty of room. Move back to the left as soon as you can but do not cut in."

People vaguely remember reading something about "doing it quickly" and that becomes drive faster = Speed. Which is NOT what it means. It means, don't dawdle and do it within the limit.

Again probably from when you had your lessons. Your instructor will have said something like "If you start an overtake and misjudge it and your choice is die in a head on, or put your foot down and break the law and live, it's an easy choice, you break the law." that is not an excuse to speed, he simply wanted you to stay alive while you built some experience. (we all make mistakes)

Also this magical 10% allowance over the limit is notional, it varies from county to county and force to force (locally they apply 5% +2mph) So he would have be prosecuted at 68mph.. Plus they have no legal obligation to allow you anything at all. Generally common sense will prevail if it's straight forward speeding.

And no I'm not demonising people who speed, I've been in with people who are safer at 120mph than others are at 30mph.
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AKA don't overtake like the french, they like to overtake each other but do so around ~1kph faster then the car they are overtaking is going, scary as flip.
Good visibility, good weather conditions, nice long straight, and until the braking due to the camera van, the car was far more composed than your average PoS car travelling at 60.

almost certainly why that location was chosen. They always try and place them in the locations motorists are most likely to speed, rather than most likely to have an accident.
almost certainly why that location was chosen. They always try and place them in the locations motorists are most likely to speed, rather than most likely to have an accident.

More speeders caught=more 'action' against speeders. Added benefit is more fines and more income.
Overtake was not terrible, but the way he hammered the brakes was!

That. The guy has the machine control of an elephant, a blind one at that :D.

Edit: interestingly, if you pause the first few frames of the video, there is a number plate on a cone FX04 KYZ. Google comes up with this "This Ford Transit is used by Lincolnshire Police as part of the local road safety partnership." Full livery too.

The guy's a ******* moron......
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almost certainly why that location was chosen. They always try and place them in the locations motorists are most likely to speed, rather than most likely to have an accident.

Same with Gatso's, on a downhill just after leaving a town here... not on the way in or outside the school!
Same with Gatso's, on a downhill just after leaving a town here... not on the way in or outside the school!

There's a camera coming into bath thats on a hill, right at the bottom. The hill is quite steep, you could probably tip over 30 in second gear if left unchecked. I can't say it's much of a danger spot, more of a money maker!
There's a camera coming into bath thats on a hill, right at the bottom. The hill is quite steep, you could probably tip over 30 in second gear if left unchecked. I can't say it's much of a danger spot, more of a money maker!

Theres a few on the A34 near Manchester like that, the barstewards have put them so both sides of the carriageway, but not opposite each other as youd thing, make it easier for wiring etc you'd imagine - No, they're apart so no matter which side you're coming from they're on a downhill section.
Don't need a PhD to see it's a money making ploy.
cannot believe this, driving home from cinema last night in a place i'm not normally in, about 1230am
almighty flash goes off ffs
seems a fixed camera got me, think i was doing about 43 in a 30
no cars about street dead, peeved off!
cannot believe this, driving home from cinema last night in a place i'm not normally in, about 1230am
almighty flash goes off ffs
seems a fixed camera got me, think i was doing about 43 in a 30
no cars about street dead, peeved off!

No, you're right, that was well worth the necro-bump of a tenuously related thread.
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