That moment when you clock the van...

This thread has been excellent to weed out the posters who quite clearly have no idea at all, identify those you think they can apply track racing logic and 'the numbers' to a public road and those who are just downright keyboard trolls.
LOL.. I'd double his ban and double his fine.. Of course I'd confiscate his 911 first once he's got the engine and brakes sorted. He could drop the keys off with me..:)
This guy has driven especially dangerous, give learners time and space, this guy is a menace... simple, so bannage ad fine are not tough enough especially locking up infrotn of them... looks like he's a tool as well
I can & anybody that knows the law of the road will defend speeding to over take as it is Legal.

I did my big bike test early last year & it was one of the things I remember being taught. I suggest you check your facts before you call people morons.

Ah, this explains why a few bikers act the way they do. They're told when they sit their "big bike" test that it's legal to break the speed limit when they're overtaking. Brilliant.

There may be some allowance offered by patrolling officers to perform a safe overtake, at their discretion, but to suggest it's legal is just plain wrong.
Banned for six months and ordered to pay £815?

Banned for six months and ordered to pay £815.

WOW, just WOW! I wonder what he would have got if he had hit a biker at 113mph? The punishment seems incredibly lenient :(
Ah, this explains why a few bikers act the way they do. They're told when they sit their "big bike" test that it's legal to break the speed limit when they're overtaking. Brilliant.

There may be some allowance offered by patrolling officers to perform a safe overtake, at their discretion, but to suggest it's legal is just plain wrong.

To be fair up until recently when doing advanced driving training they'd tell you to exceed the speed limit when necessary in order to overtake safely (not any longer the case - not sure if it was a general thing either). Many patrolling officers will use a bit of common sense when it comes to people exceeding the speedlimit to overtake but its definitely not something to take for granted.
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I agree with this.

For me the overtake wasn't an issue - and the stamping of the brakes makes it more dramatic than it should have been.

Personally, I may not have overtaken then, but to overtake safely even if the car/vehicle ahead is doing below the NSL, you should be prepared to breach the speed limit, providing you drop down to the NSL afterwards - it's common sense and good roadcraft.

I don't know the whole story, or can't see exactly the layout of the road, and how much traffic there was overall.

unfortunately, it was just a case of wrong place wrong time. The punishment is disproportionate, and certainly admitting to dangerous driving was unnecessary as performing an overtake shouldn't be considered such.

I agree totally.

I dont see much wrong other than the excessive braking/locking up which I expect is the reason for the heavy punishment.
WOW, just WOW! I wonder what he would have got if he had hit a biker at 113mph?

Quite. I also wonder what he'd have got if he'd have pulled up a few miles down the road, set up and mortar and fired at the bikers?

What if he'd have hit 100 bikers at 100mph?

What if he'd have begun vending ice cream without a license?

The 'good reason' was the camera van.

That's probably where the dangerous driving came in. A fast overtake otherwise is a simple matter of speeding I guess, but doing that speed and getting caught is going to end in bother either way.

The addition of learner drivers etc adds weight to the dangerous driving charge, after all he could have just hung back. Seems to have been a moment of very poor judgement to me.
With the amount of slow muppet drivers about theses days you can overtake within the speed limit.

You're supposed to be within the speed limit whilst overtaking. So it's the people that exceed the speed limit that are the muppets.

There are too many brain dead people in the world today clearly.
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