That moment when you clock the van...

But John Siddle, from the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership, said he was "very lucky".

"Given that there were pedestrians and novice motorcyclists using the road anything could have happened," he said.

Really annoys me when people use conjecture like that, anything can happen if you overtook at any speed in any car, of course ANYTHING can happen. It only seems eventful because the driver slammed his brakes on when he saw the van. Obviously it's safer to overtake as slowly as possible so you're on the wrong side of the road for 2 miles...
You're absolutely wrong and show an obvious lack of experience behind the wheel of something with a bit of power.

The faster he is travelling in this circumstance, the less time he spends next to the riders, the less time he spends on the wrong side of the road with other cars heading his way....I can't actually see what is wrong with the overtake in the slightest! Good visibility, good weather conditions, nice long straight, and until the braking due to the camera van, the car was far more composed than your average PoS car travelling at 60.

To a point, until the speed you need to overtake negates the safety of being in the other lane longer than necessary. This guy is borderline at best... 113mph in a 60? He then stomps on the anchors (113mph > 23mph) with complete disregard to the traffic behind because he thinks hes got caught. Reckless tbh.

If he'd done the same overtake in a 1.6 focus, he would've crawled past, meaning he's next to the bikes for an eternity, so when a car coming the other way is going quicker than he realised he'll probably take the safer (for him) choice of diving into the pack of bikes rather than having a head on ( possible scenario :p)

This being the other end of the spectrum in that the focus would never have overtaken the traffic because it couldnt have accelerated safely enough. Overtaking at 65mph when the traffic is doing 60mph is just as bad if you dont have the visibility. It doesnt mean the porsche was any safer however, just that this is no better!
What a crock of ****.

Driver does safe overtake in powerful car and jumps on brakes when he sees scamera van? Boo hoo!
I don't see any issue with hitting 113 mph during a long over take on a fast road when the car you are driving is realisitically about as fast as a road car gets before its all a bit irrelevant and the highway code say's overtakes should be exectuted "as quickly as possible"..... TBH.
Putting the van on a stretch where it's safe to overtake is much more dangerous than doing 113MPH in a high performance car.
He's a moron.. If you had a bloke overtake you at any speed and then stand on the brakes so hard he locked up in front of you'd be pretty miffed! Even with £150K quids worth of Porsche ABS doing it's best to keep it in a straight line he's still squirelling down the road.. What a muppet. (if he'd have just kept going he'd have just got done for speeding and not even made the news)
He's a moron.. If you had a bloke overtake you at any speed and then stand on the brakes so hard he locked up in front of you'd be pretty miffed! Even with £150K quids worth of Porsche ABS doing it's best to keep it in a straight line he's still squirelling down the road.. What a muppet. (if he'd have just kept going he'd have just got done for speeding and not even made the news)

What would you do at 110mph + (he probably wasn't even aware of his actual speed with that overtake as he wouldnt have been looking) when you saw a camera van? Just casually carry on past at 113?

He brakes hard whilst slightly turning on a dry road. ABS is going to cut in.

The fact he only was doing 110mph suggests he wasn't flat out for that overtake.
What would you do at 110mph + (he probably wasn't even aware of his actual speed with that overtake as he wouldnt have been looking) when you saw a camera van? Just casually carry on past at 113?

He brakes hard whilst slightly turning on a dry road. ABS is going to cut in.

The fact he only was doing 110mph suggests he wasn't flat out for that overtake.

"He brakes hard whilst slightly turning on a dry road." Rubbish.. Watch the video again. He's travelling in a dead straight line already on his side of the road and he "stands on the brakes" for all he's worth. 911 brakes are stunning, even if he feathered them a bit he could have slowed the car to well under 100mph. He's an idiot.

What has whether he was flat out or not got to do with it?? he's still up to almost twice the legal limit.

The overtaking a pack of learner motorcyclist at that speed is debateable judgement. But we've all done overtakes an checked the speedo and been going quicker than we thought. But standing on the brakes for no good reason.. Muppet.. Most motors wouldn't stop as quick as a 911 can let alone a group of leaners.
I expect it took very little time/effort at all to carry out that overtake

Its a shame that we adopt a retarded "safety by numbers" view in this Country.

The Porsche driver is a menace because he driving at a speed above the speed limit, but I doubt many people would bat an eyelid if the road was foggy, badly lit, he had no lights on but doing 55mph. Everything gets lumped on speeding because it is an easy offence to prove, so driving standard dont get considered
Does make me wonder, at what point he looked down the road to see if it was clear for an overtake and managed to not see the camera van parked at the side of the road.

Observation skills fail.

Its a handheld gun by the look of it, looks to be an LTi series, according to the gun it was ~1500 feet away when the overtake commenced.


I may get flamed by the people who seem to want this guy strung up, but I really don't see anything wrong here, firstly at no time was he actually doing 113, that is just the maximum the speed gun registered and as speed increases the guns margin of error gets wider, add to that the guns operator was moving it excessively which adds to the reading and it is entirely possible that he was actually doing <100MPH.

And secondly it was a perfectly safe maneuver, had he not defecated in his pants when he saw the guy with the speed gun and slammed on then brakes the wouldn't have been anything notable about the situation bar the speed. The HWC even states that it is best to complete an overtaking maneuver as quickly as possible in the interest of safety (though it obviously does not condone exceeding the speed limit).
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No point debating the legal side of it. Cut and dry.

As for the perceived safety.....well - let's just say the way he stood on the brakes was pathetic, especially considering the fact he (should have) knew that he had just come past a large group of motorcylists who were now behind him while he anchored on to 30mph.
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