US: The 100

Watched the pilot episode...wasn't blown away....

Be honest...the teen 'i'm a spoilt brat' attitude lets have a party when they just crashed landed was laughable!

And the 'reason for sending 100 'kids' to earth was very shallow I thought.

I'll watch a few more, still on the fence.
the whole story makes no sense you on a space station with limited resources and a failing life support so to find out if the planet below you can support life you send 101 (off which only 98 make it to the planet so the title wrong all ready) teenages who have no skills are not very smart and no reason to help you as you had planed to space them. instead of spacing the 100 to start with therefore buying you more time, train a group of people with the necessary skills and sending them planet side
the whole story makes no sense you on a space station with limited resources and a failing life support so to find out if the planet below you can support life you send 101 (off which only 98 make it to the planet so the title wrong all ready) teenages who have no skills are not very smart and no reason to help you as you had planed to space them. instead of spacing the 100 to start with therefore buying you more time, train a group of people with the necessary skills and sending them planet side

It's Sci Fi, switch off and stop getting aspergic.
the whole story makes no sense you on a space station with limited resources and a failing life support so to find out if the planet below you can support life you send 101 (off which only 98 make it to the planet so the title wrong all ready) teenages who have no skills are not very smart and no reason to help you as you had planed to space them. instead of spacing the 100 to start with therefore buying you more time, train a group of people with the necessary skills and sending them planet side

100+1 stowaway.... they're 'criminals' so they're expendable if the planet can't support life....don't see much issue with the 'ages' to be honest but then I do watch anime :)

Basically when it comes to a CW series never think too hard about it and I think you need to watch some Japanese anime.... the amount of shows based around a child 'saving the world' is pretty much all of them lol
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The space-station was supposedly hobbled together from the failing stations of 12 different nation states, has been in a state of rapid decay with dwindling resources and the people sent to the planet were criminals locked in tiny little cells. Yet notice how all the people sent to Earth are 'good looking' Americans with perfect bodies and teeth?

Whilst I'm with you on the perfect teeth/good looking thing, I would have thought that decendants of astronauts (who have to be intelligent and healthy) would be of better stock than your average human.

I mean, even a hypothetical 200 men to 200 women each having 1 child and the 50/50 gender split continuing would give like 7 generations before inbreeding comes in to play.

But often, as is the case with most tv, it's better to just switch off the old noggin and just enjoy the show. :D
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