The 2010 Chilli growing thread - it's scorching!

I need to get in on the chilli growing 2011, is it fairly simple? Generic sowing and watering?

Yep, very easy. I had never grown them before and only started as I saw this thread back in march/april. Now I have over 120 cayenne chillies growing away :D. Just need them to ripen now so I can start cooking with them.

I'm going to grow a few different varieties next year and try some ultra hot ones as well.
Yep, very easy. I had never grown them before and only started as I saw this thread back in march/april. Now I have over 120 cayenne chillies growing away :D. Just need them to ripen now so I can start cooking with them.

I'm going to grow a few different varieties next year and try some ultra hot ones as well.

Awesome! I love all things spicy so making my own chillies will be very satisfying! :D

Ultra hot varities I would like to try too, I've heard about nagas, birdseyes etc. that's all though. :(
Hey all, my first year of growing chillis, their doing OK I think - Germination was late march.

Managed to grow:
Rings of fire / Tongues of fire
Hot marbles
Pinnochios Nose
Orange Habs
And Bhut Jolokia

I randomly picked some seeds online after seeing the early pages of this thread :D

some pics

Inside the Green House (Read: plastic tent from wilko :lol: ) I've taken over:



Couple of Orange habs:

Hot Marbles:

Rings or Tongues of Fire:

Pinnochios Nose:

Same Chilli

Bhut Jolokia:

Only Buds at the moment

Have several of each variety, these are some of the better ones. :o

I very much need to plan it better next time / year. :cool: All seems to be going slowly.

Any tips greatly appreciated.

Apologies for dodgy photos, its a bit cramped in the 'green house'.
Awesome :cool:

I very much need to plan it better next time / year. :cool: All seems to be going slowly.
Any tips greatly appreciated.

If the Bhut doesn't give you anything this year then it's highly likely to give a good crop if you over winter it and it survives. My Nagas in this thread are the same ones from last year. At the end of the old thread showed how I overwintered them. I think I watered them twice or three times over winter! All you need todo is to keep it from getting too cold (ie below 5 degC).

Angry chilli sez "ANGRY!":
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Having read a fir bit of this thread and regretted not starting some plants of earlier in the year, I decided today to buy myself a chilli plant from my local garden centre to see if I could get a few fresh chillis.

I had a good look around and the best looking one (in terms of size for the area I can put it in etc I found one called "super chilli" idea what the actual variety name is...

Here are a couple of pics.

The label:

The plant, which is about 2 feet tall-ish, and seems to be in good health:

A few of the chillis:

Never having grown chillis before what advice can people give me?

I'm putting the plant out on my balcony which gets nice sunshine in the middle of the day but is shady in the morning and evening. (sadly I don't have any where else for it (the joys of living in a first floor flat...)

I know I need to ensure it has enough water but can drain well so as to not be over watered. But I don't really know anything else about it.

Is there any thing I should do/avoid to ensure the mass of chillis (must be 50 or so) ripen up nicely???

Any help much appreciated.


Ps chilli plant is currently sitting next to a patio tomato plant I also purchased today....are they ok being next to each other? (any any other tips for tomato growing?)
Assam Bhut Jolokia harvested today.


Lays claim to the hottest chilli posted so far in the thread ;)

Might have to try the Infinity Chilli next year.

@valve90210, I grew a Super Chilli last year and it produces a pod with a reasonable heat for an annum 30-50k scoville units iirc. You seem to have the right idea on the watering, the other thing you need to do is feed with half strength tomato feed roughly every other week. If you remove the chilies as soon as they are ripe you will likely keep getting more pods right to the end of the season, at least I did last year.
just got these two packets of seeds in the post :) for next year of course.


The Numex is very pretty and reasonably hot but does not have much of a flavour to give to food, I have one growing this year from the seeds of last years plant but it appears to be somewhat hybrid.

I "accidentally" purchased an established Apache from the local garden centre today. I definitely needed another plant. ;)
Got my first Scotch Bonnet pepper growing on my plants now! Not bad after using seeds from Tesco chillies.

Will need to move everything down to Brighton, so might have to consider either starting again or cutting back the plants loads. Will need to re-pot to try to finally rid myself of fungus gnats.
The advice is from a chilli site I visited, sorry can't remember which one. Apparently over feeding can be harmful. From personal experience the advice is good.

Cheers. Ive read it myself elswhere, think it was the chilli king website. Just wondered why they only need feeding so little. The mix almost look like just water when mixed up with half the amount :p.
Made a chilli con carne with the above Bhut Jolokia pod and I can confirm that it was hotter than a particularly hot thing. :eek:

I tried a small slice raw whilst I was cooking and almost instantly regretted it.

I much prefer the flavour that you get from the Habaneros, but for pure heat you cannot go wrong with a Bhut. :D
I've got a good crop of unknown green ones well on the way - do I just wait for them to turn red then take them off? Got some scotch bonnets that are threatening to appear very soon too. My first year of having a greenhouse, I've learnt lots so far!

Also - if I end up with way more than I can use, what am I doing with them?
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I have 4 Jalapenoes in separate pots that have started to flower but the flowers keep dropping off, is this normal?


Mine have all done the same until the plant was ready to set fruit. Keep with it - just ensure it doesn't get cold drafts at night and that it gets watered/fed/sunlight as needed.
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