Another little harvest from the greenhouse, the heater is doing its job nicely extending the season. The plants that are outside the greenhouse have suffered very badly in the recent frost but those inside are still doing well. I still have plenty more to harvest and another 13kg of gas to burn before I call it quits this year.
Top half of the picture we have Scotch Bonnet (red), Orange Habs, Chocolate Habs and Mustard Habs. Bottom left are 7-pot and bottom right are Bhut Jolokia and Chocolate Bhut Jolokia.
I still have plenty more pods on the plants, mainly Nagas, mixed Habs, a few Trinidad Scorpion and various annums.
I made a curry last night with one of the Chocolate Bhuts in it, which was fiercely hot, but I am still of the opinion that the hottest pods this year were the Trinidad Scorpion.
Lessons learnt from this year:
1) Don't start too early as the plants I started in March did far better than those I started in January.
2) Grow a few less plants as it got a bit overcrowded in the greenhouse.
3) Don't eat Trinidad Scorpion raw as the burn is unbelievable and the toilet experience the following day is unbearable.
Forwards and onwards to next season.